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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Detroit, Michigan
# of dives
500 - 999
Most of our normal suppliers don't have any Helium in store. Most welding shops in the area are critically low and suppliers are saying they are back ordered to February. I heard some of you guys in the west are completely out.

Anyone know what's going on? Its seems that balloon suppliers are still getting stuff while we divers who use it have to scrounge around pay up the rear for it.
I wonder if rebreather sales are going up with the helium costs and shortages?
@Jared0425 the balloon suppliers are getting very low grade stuff with much less helium than they used to. Party City I think was the one that actually closed a bunch of their stores because of helium.
Hospitals still get their heliox, but I've been told up to a 6month lead time from my supplier with prices triple what they were this time last year.
seems to be no problems getting He here in Australia, the price for a G cylinder here dropped about 20% a little while ago.
We've got a small production facility in Darwin (I think). But i was pretty sure 100% of it's production was contracted to the Chinese.. maybe they've scaled back on their purchase contract. A real shame we throw most of our Helium away.
I have no problem getting 5.0 and the price has not changed in Key West.

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