Yesterday's storm, and changes at Buddy Dive and STINAPA

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For fans of Bonaire, of Buddy Dive on Bonaire, I have a few things to share:

First, there is a bit of damage to the dock area from yesterday's storm, but nothing major. I'm sure the repairs will be swift, as the damages were relatively minor.

There was damage elsewhere, including some heavy hard coral damage from dragged anchors from sailboats docked along the waterfront at Yellow Sub/Dive Friends. I'm sure the damages were widespread, as we saw debris at other dive sites today.

Another bit Oneof damage I witnessed:
One step, @ 1/2 way up the ladder at Oil Slick was swept away, or broken during the storm yesterday. It was there on Monday, do we were quite surprised when we discovered to our dismay upon exiting our first dive this morning that our climb out was going to be far more difficult than anticipated.


Second, the old heavy hemp guide rope that ran from the dock straight down to well below 60' feet, to mark the return point for night dives, has been replaced by a 1/4" yellow nylon rope system that runs straight along the top edge of the reef, and then a second 1/4" nylon line replacing the old hemp line, which
runs from the dock, down to 58 feet.

There are currently white plastic "cave arrow type markers (no pics), labeled with markers, to help. Heaven knows how long the plastic markers will remain legible if they are not cleaned routinely....

Another BIG change, that we were not aware of before we arrived on Bonaire last Saturday, was that the old plastic STINAPA "tags" have been eliminated, and now you must fill out a registration online, and pay your STINAPA park fee online, and NOT at your dive operator, and you need to print out, and carry your paper receipt (leave in in your vehicle, as it has no intrinsic value.

If anyone wishes to add tags or share, feel free to do so.
I hope the "dragged ancors" refer to the concrete blocks where the moorings are attached to. Ancoring is forbidden on Bonaire!

No. Anchors. Banned anchors were obviously used yesterday, to try to keep boats from being run aground, or swept away.
The damage was deeper than the mooring blocks, with large hard coral heads tipped over and a large amount of coral broken off between 25 and 30 feet off of Dive Friends.

We only witnessed that area, so I have no idea how widespread this anchor damage was. It could have been just one boat.

If you go to the mooring blocks directly off Yellow Sub, turn north, and drop to @26-27 feet, you will quickly see the damage we filmed.
For fans of Bonaire, of Buddy Dive on Bonaire, I have a few things to share:

First, there is a bit of damage to the dock area from yesterday's storm, but nothing major. I'm sure the repairs will be swift, as the damages were relatively minor.

There was damage elsewhere, including some heavy hard coral damage from dragged anchors from sailboats docked along the waterfront at Yellow Sub/Dive Friends. I'm sure the damages were widespread, as we saw debris at other dive sites today.

Another bit Oneof damage I witnessed:
One step, @ 1/2 way up the ladder at Oil Slick was swept away, or broken during the storm yesterday. It was there on Monday, do we were quite surprised when we discovered to our dismay upon exiting our first dive this morning that our climb out was going to be far more difficult than anticipated.

View attachment 533249 View attachment 533247 View attachment 533248

Second, the old heavy hemp guide rope that ran from the dock straight down to well below 60' feet, to mark the return point for night dives, has been replaced by a 1/4" yellow nylon rope system that runs straight along the top edge of the reef, and then a second 1/4" nylon line replacing the old hemp line, which
runs from the dock, down to 58 feet.

There are currently white plastic "cave arrow type markers (no pics), labeled with markers, to help. Heaven knows how long the plastic markers will remain legible if they are not cleaned routinely....

Another BIG change, that we were not aware of before we arrived on Bonaire last Saturday, was that the old plastic STINAPA "tags" have been eliminated, and now you must fill out a registration online, and pay your STINAPA park fee online, and NOT at your dive operator, and you need to print out, and carry your paper receipt (leave in in your vehicle, as it has no intrinsic value.

If anyone wishes to add tags or share, feel free to do so.
There were two hemp lines, one from the sourh fock to the mooring block directly in ftont, one ftom the north dock running at an angle to the edge and then down. Have they both been replaced?
There were two hemp lines, one from the sourh fock to the mooring block directly in ftont, one ftom the north dock running at an angle to the edge and then down. Have they both been replaced?
I saw neither of the old hemp lines, but I can say for certain that the one from the straight dock down the slope has been replaced by a system of marked yellow line.

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