10th Annual Diver Education Conference ~~~ March 09, 2019

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Sam Miller III

Scuba Legend
Scuba Legend
Rest in Peace
Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
CALIFORNIA: Where recreational diving began!
# of dives
5000 - ∞
10th Annual Diver Education Conference
March 09, 2019
8:00 Am - 5:00 Pm
Pacific Gas & Electric - Energy Education Center
6588 Ontario Road
, Avila Beach, CA.


Topics and order of presentation subject to change​

Dr. Sam Miller III Dive Historian -- Published UW Photographer and Author
“Early Development of Recreational Training Manuals”

Dr. Adam Abroms Board Certified Eye Surgeon & Ophthalmologist - ADV Vision Centers
“Ocular Issues in Diving Continued”

Selena McMillan PhD Southern California Regional Manager - Reef Check California
“Reef Check California; Citizen Science in Action”

Karl Huggins USC Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber Director - USC Wrigley Marine Science Center
“Dive Computer Interrogation – What they can and cannot tell you”

Dr. Sam Miller IV Hyperbaric & Undersea Medicine - Emergency Medicine Director - Marion Medical Center Emergency Medicine
“Random Thoughts on Dive Medicine”

John McKenney San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Deputy - John McKenney Productions – Underwater Documentary Film Maker
“Risked Based Response”

Mark Spencer Esq. Attorney, NAUI Instructor, SSI Pro 5000 Diver
“Sea Hunt, the TV Series”

There is a non-refundable $10.00 fee for the Diver Education Conference that covers the cost of the
morning snacks and buffet lunch. Pre-registration is required due to the limited seating. Contact Depth
Perceptions Diving Services to register. Payment can be made by cash or check only. No credit or debit
cards accepted. Last day to register is March 1st, 2019.

Conference Sponsors:
Pacific Gas & Electric Company - Energy Education Center
Energy Education Center Facilities

Depth Perceptions Diving Services
Conference Organization, Conference Promotion, Syllabus Binding

San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Department
Syllabus Reproduction – Breakfast Coffee, Snacks & Ice

Pre- Registration Is Required

Depth Perceptions Diving Services
805-595-3631 cmcdiver@aol.com
12322 Los Osos Valley Road
San Luis Obispo, CA. 93405

$10.00 Per Person. Payable to Depth Perceptions by Cash or Check.
No Credit or Debit Cards Accepted.

Conference Material, Beverages, Snacks & Buffet Lunch


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We certainly appreciate your interest in our small local CenCal DivCon..

Some day perhaps you can obtain permission to leave your beloved snow bound Chicago and obtain a visa to visit my beloved sunny warm CenCal to attend the SLO S&R DivCon.

I suspect you will enjoy the program

Cheers from California -- where it all began

If it was local, I’d go. But since it’s not, nope.
looks like another great conference. I would especially be interested in your observations on the reef check presentation.

I know of the presenter Dr Mc Millan and her almost obsessive work on Reef Check but I have never met her or had a conversation up close and personal . I am eagerly looking forward to her presentation and hopefully an opportunity to have a chat at one of the breaks or at noon.

'@Marie13 -- we will miss you !

I know of the presenter Dr Mc Millan and her almost obsessive work on Reef Check but I have never met her or had a conversation up close and personal . I am eagerly looking forward to her presentation and hopefully an opportunity to have a chat at one of the breaks or at noon.

'@Marie13 -- we will miss you !

I did my Reef Check certification last summer under Salena's tutelage. She recently completed her PhD in New Zealand. She's definitely into marine biology big time. You'll have a good time with her.
@Mark Guccione

Lots of water under the bridge -- so many good and great years has passed

Maybe some day you can hitch a ride with Karl and attend the SLO UW Divcon - I suspect he would like the company and you will enjoy the program

Difficult to comprehend that young Sam IV has been a Scrips trained hyperbaric doc for almost 20 years -- but whos counting the years ? I certainly am not !

Your old buddy


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