Newbie repairing a Scubapro Mk11, R395, R295 regulator set. Progress report and questions

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Last week I got my first regulator set (1st stage Scubapro Mk11 and second stages R395-R295). I bought the set from an e-bay store. All the seller knew about it was that it was hardly used. No info about no of dives, date of purchase or anything else.

From outside it looks sparkling and clean like brand new but I knew I have to service it anyway because nobody knew for how long it has been sitting like this.

After a lot of consideration and thanks to plenty of support from @couv I decided to service it myself. Following @couv 's advice, apart from the usual service kits, I have ordered a set of o-rings to replace even the ones that are not supposed to be changed annually, just in case.

While I am waiting for the service kits, extra o-rings etc to be delivered I decided to disassemble the unit to have a look at it, get the parts cleaned etc.

Well to begin with the DIN knob retainer was stuck - BIG time. I tried dipping it in fresh water overnight to soften any salt residue, heating the body while keeping the DIN inlet cold with ice and leaving it in water, all these repeated several times until the alen hole was destroyed by the force I used. Once the alen hole was destroyed I used a set of plumber's pliers to unscrew the thing (destroying it even more). Still it needed A LOT of force to come loose. It is not a huge deal because anyway I wanted to convert it eventually to 300 bars (the original one had 200bars DIN) but it added another 50 euros to the total cost plus another 10 days or so to waiting time to get the new parts.

After this I finished disassembling the rest of the unit without further issues. I fount the diaphragm spring covered by a white dry residue (salt?) - but nothing else had such residue. The spring is quite sticky though so it might be that this white residue might be something other than salt (dried lubricant?). Whatever it is it goes off easily so the spring will be cleaned. Anyway overall the unit is not in bad condition and everything after the diaphragm is totally clean.

I have though 2 questions concerning parts that I didn't find in my unit:

1) In the text of the service manual in disassembling step 6 it is mentioned "...remove the diaphragm disk and the 2 washers...". I am pretty sure I only fount 1 washer inside my unit. Also in the schematic only one washer is shown (Part #21 called "Diaphragm Ring"). Similarly in the assembling section (step 11) "2 diaphragm washers" are mentioned again. Where on earth is the second washer?

2) Similarly I didn't find in my unit Part #39 (called "Sleeve") in the HP valve assembly. My assembly had only the HP Valve (Part #28) and the strange looking conical Sleeve (Part #29) where the spring sits. The "missing" part is supposed to be part of the service kit - so it is not big deal even if I lost it although I am again pretty sure there was no such thing in my unit.

Are these parts really necessary? Maybe my unit is slightly different version than the one the service manual refers to?

I will keep posting my progress and any further questions that I might get.
Any help welcome.

Thanks a lot in advance.
Special thanks once more to @couv for all the info, support and encouragement he offered me so far.
1) In the text of the service manual in disassembling step 6 it is mentioned "...remove the diaphragm disk and the 2 washers...". I am pretty sure I only fount 1 washer inside my unit.

I believe that is a misprint. The MK11 has one washer, the MK17 has two. It may be due to a difference in thickness of the respective diaphragms.

Similarly I didn't find in my unit Part #39 (called "Sleeve") in the HP valve assembly. My assembly had only the HP Valve (Part #28) and the strange looking conical Sleeve (Part #29) where the spring sits. The "missing" part is supposed to be part of the service kit - so it is not big deal even if I lost it although I am again pretty sure there was no such thing in my unit.

The hp seat is a three part assembly. Did you remove the guide sleeve (plastic conical) from the assembly? There should be a metal sleeve under it.

Are these parts really necessary?

unit is slightly different version than the one the service manual
The "missing" part is supposed to be part of the service kit

Item number 44 on your diagram should be in your service kit. It is the entire hp valve assembly and should contain all three parts.
The hp seat is a three part assembly. Did you remove the guide sleeve (plastic conical) from the assembly? There should be a metal sleeve under it.

Here is how the thing (including the spring) came out of the body:

Here is the same after separating the parts:

Well, there is a plastic ring/sleeve attached at the bottom of the HP valve (seen in the picture above on the right). I haven't tried to remove it from its' groove as it looks attached very well, but it is clearly attached at the bottom of it (touching the orifice) and not on top of it as shown in the schematic:


So, where is # 39 in my setup?

I don't have the service kit with me yet to see how the assembly included with it looks like.
Well, there is a plastic ring/sleeve attached at the bottom of the HP valve (seen in the picture above on the right). I haven't tried to remove it from its' groove as it looks attached very well

The white bit is the soft seat and is bonded onto the valve stem. It should not be removed. I'm pretty sure that item 39 is the metal part surrounding the seat and is still installed.
On my MK-17 kits, it is a factory 1-piece assembly (hence the dotted box around it). They likely "tweaked" it some over the years from a bunch of parts to a full assembly....
On my MK-17 kits, it is a factory 1-piece assembly (hence the dotted box around it). They likely "tweaked" it some over the years from a bunch of parts to a full assembly....

That makes sense as the parts are shown as a single assembly (Item 44) on the diagram. Probably another "upgrade" where SP found a cheaper manufacturing process. Is the sleeve, item 39 pictured in post number 4, metal or plastic? What about the stem, item 28; metal or plastic?
Sorry for the crap picture....
Thanks Ro-bear.

Not that is matters as all the parts seem to be there, but I'm curious. When you open the package, could you see if the hp valve parts are bonded together or if there are still three parts that make up one assembly. It looks that way to me. I'm glad to see the hp valve stem is still metal.

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