Headaches? Sinus Problems? Thoughts...

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Fallston, Maryland
So I'm still in class. Here's a few things I'm experiencing that I couldn't find the answer's to. I normally experience a mild to moderate headache after every dive. I have no issue with equalizing and feel pretty good while under water. Here's some things that I think attribute to my headaches, but would still like someone else's experience with them.

1.) The school regs that we use are not the easiest to breath in...it's a hit or miss. My first class I lucked out with one that was pretty sensitive / easy, was awesome to breath in. Last night was a bit tough, but manageable. Also, it seems like the regulator lines themselves are pretty rigid. After 1.5 hrs, definitely start to feel it in my neck. Because of the stiffness, it means I have to bite the heck out of my reg to keep it in my mouth. I can deal with this for class, but don't want to have these issues on a dive and be uncomfortable. Would just like some different options on what people use to avoid these?

2.) I've had sinus issues for the last few years. I had surgery 2.5 years ago, and I'm probably going to have to have it again this winter (first doctor wasn't great...should always get a second opinion, look around to see who's out there). I will NOT dive with any type of congestion / infection. I currently use flonase and it works pretty good, but by the end of a dive I definitely have a headache. The gas causes significant "cotton mouth", so I'd like to stay away from anything that causes more of this, but if you have any suggestions I'm all ears. My sinuses are usually the worst in the morning, and the pool does a good job of clearing it up more, but I still get a headache.

3.) I feel really comfortable underwater, but I'm sure some of this could be the newness, excitement, anxiety of it all. I just wanted to mention this because I'm aware that it could also be a possibility.

I'm to the point where I take motrin before and after class (helps, but doesn't cure). I have seen a doctor and am cleared for all activities including diving. Just had a full physical and she said I'm in really good shape, blood pressure is excellent, everything else is spot on.

Also, thanks to everyone for all your excellent stories / posts. I try not to post too much because there's so much information on this site...I just like to sit back and read.
For the cotton mouth feeling, drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated.

I take Zytrek-D daily for allergies (yes, the pseudoephedrine stuff). Have for years at docktor's orders. I also use Flonaise daily. I find using the neti pot/sinus wash bottle every morning in the shower can make a big difference.

Getting myown reg stuff made a big difference. Smaller mouthpiece made me not gag.
For the cotton mouth feeling, drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated.

I take Zytrek-D daily for allergies (yes, the pseudoephedrine stuff). Have for years at docktor's orders. I also use Flonaise daily. I find using the neti pot/sinus wash bottle every morning in the shower can make a big difference.

Getting myown reg stuff made a big difference. Smaller mouthpiece made me not gag.

I actually also take Zytrek-D, although admittedly am waiting for a refill and didn't have any this week. I use the neti pot flush, and the doctor actually gave me little vials of liquid flonase to mix with the salt water before the rinse. This works well, but still have a little pressure by morning.

I have my own regs (were given to me) I had them rebuilt at the shop, but haven't gotten them back yet. Not sure how they'll feel.

I know they have Miflex out there for hoses and I've seen the custom mouth pieces (I assume you heat them up and put them in your mouth to form like regular mouth guards?) I would assume both of these would help with the discomfort.

Thank you for the reply!
Waiting for refill? I just go OTC.

Try the neti pot in the morning, not at night. Makes a big difference.
Waiting for refill? I just go OTC.

Try the neti pot in the morning, not at night. Makes a big difference.

Well insurance pays for it, I just haven't gotten down there to get it yet.

I will try using the neti in am, and right before I go, see if that helps.
Headaches could well be tension, trying to learn new stuff, doing it all correctly, etc. I use a nasal spray like Afrin before I dive; helps to clear it all out for me. Your headaches could also be from a Co2 buildup partly due to the hard-breathing regs.
Note: I not a medical professional (heck I'm not even a medical amateur), nor am I a scuba instructor - but I did stay near a Holiday Inn once.
Been dealing with sinus issues since my first dive 20 years ago. Think of a sinus as an air space with a very tiny opening. The opening is surrounded and composed of mucous membrane, which is highly responsive to inflammation and environmental conditions. You CANNOT force a sinus to equalize (well....you can just a tiny bit but that's an advanced discussion). You allow it to equalize......slowly......and gently. If you don't, you pay a price. I find I absolutely HAVE to descend......slowly. Pay close attention to the slightest pressure anywhere around the nose/sinus area. Generally I stop at 10-15' (this is after taking a couple minutes to get there), and allow the air to seep through the tiny opening. Ignore or force the equalization, the membrane will swell up, THEN you have problems.
Everyone's suggestions for sinus rinse, pseudofed, Afrin, flonase etc. are all spot on. I use every tool at my disposal and still need to be very careful with descent.
This can be a challenge in a class situation, or any real dive situation. You need to communicate with your buddy, and control the dive.

If you are still in class the probability of CO2 buildup is highly unlikely.

Beyond hydrating there are really only 2 ways to combat cotton mouth: 1. Get a metal 2nd stage. There are excellent OLD ones available (Scubapro 108/109/156- Aqualung Conshelf) that work great and can still be overhauled. The metal gives back some of the humidity you breathe out. 2. Get an Apollo humidifier, expensive but works. Clean Air Moisture System For Regulators | $199
1.) The school regs that we use are not the easiest to breath in...it's a hit or miss. My first class I lucked out with one that was pretty sensitive / easy, was awesome to breath in. Last night was a bit tough, but manageable. Also, it seems like the regulator lines themselves are pretty rigid. After 1.5 hrs, definitely start to feel it in my neck. Because of the stiffness, it means I have to bite the heck out of my reg to keep it in my mouth. I can deal with this for class, but don't want to have these issues on a dive and be uncomfortable. Would just like some different options on what people use to avoid these?

My setup uses a 40" rubber hose routed under my right arm coming up to a 110 degree elbow on the right side of the regulator. I find that combination to give me the minimum amount of pulling.

2.) I've had sinus issues for the last few years. I had surgery 2.5 years ago, and I'm probably going to have to have it again this winter (first doctor wasn't great...should always get a second opinion, look around to see who's out there). I will NOT dive with any type of congestion / infection. I currently use flonase and it works pretty good, but by the end of a dive I definitely have a headache.

Find an ENT who is also a diver

The gas causes significant "cotton mouth", so I'd like to stay away from anything that causes more of this, but if you have any suggestions I'm all ears.

On a long dive I sometimes take the reg out of my mouth, exhale partially, and swallow a few times (mouth closed) to distribute saliva. If you're at the point where you're totally comfortable removing a reg during a dive you could try that.
I appreciate everyone's responses. Sorry the late response, spent time with the family.

I was on Afrin for a few years... wasn't pleasant getting off of. Real pain in the butt. I'll have to look into maybe a longer hose. Does anyone use the Miflex hose that you can tie into a knot?

This past class I did really make an effort to take things really slow just to see if it might avoid the headache, but it didn't do anything. I'll try even slower next time.

I'm 100% comfortable taking the reg out of my mouth. I do it in the pool and it helps to at least swirl around with pool water and then push it all out. All I've used thus far have been plastic regs, I'll have to look into a metal one after I'm done OW.

I don't think I'm going to be able to avoid all discomfort because of my sinuses (It's something I've lived with for a while, pressure / headaches is pretty normal). Because of work, I'll have to wait until winter to get another surgery.

Different reg, easier breathing reg, maybe metal, longer / more flexible hose. Using the neti pot morning of, and hopefully right before I go should help some. Next class I'll try taking sudafed a few hours before I go, see if that helps.
Afrin for a few years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Jeez, has no one explained rebound to you? ACK! It's a medication you use OCCASIONALLY, no more.

If breathing hard and needing to clench the mouthpiece with force to prevent losing it are part of your diving experience.....well, those problems won't stand the test of time. Miflex hoses can be part of the answer, but not necessarily the whole answer.

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