You know honestly the more I think about it... I have seen this behavior from people new to a particular type or area of diving. I have watched people run over divers just to photograph a cuttlefish because they had never seen one and thought they might never see one again. We see cuttlefish all of the time, but I do remember the first time I saw it. I was so excited I could scream.... same with a turtle, shark, nudi etc.... I remember being in Belize and seeing the lettuce leaf slug and thinking OMG this is amazing. I took a ton of pics of that little critter. Shortly after I realized they were everywhere, I mean everywhere. As experienced divers we need to remember that new divers are so excited about getting to see things for the first time that they might need more time to enjoy the moment. This goes back to the OP's experience. She was enjoying the crab... the experienced diver was probably not that impressed so or didn't even notice that the OP was enjoying the moment. I do find joy watching new divers see things for the first time... and I love hearing them talk excitedly on the deck after the dive.