You are right, that's my concern too. I will have a trip to Cocos soon and I really hesitate to bring my pair of Keldan 4V. I also have a pair of Sola 1200 and they should do the job for night dive shooting. While 2x 4000 lumens are not very effective for daylight shooting, they are also very likely to scare away the hammerheads? Any opinon?
Is it a good idea to use very long arms, pointing slight downward from the top just to light up the lower part of the image and anything that are within 1 metre from my camera? So I won't scare away sharks which are still far away.
I think sharks don't come towards a video light period. Even if it was 1000 lumens to them it looks glowing and they can't see so won't trust it to get anywhere near in my opinion
Shooting sharks has to be done with ambient light. If are deep there isn't much so what you can do is to remove the filter and then change the footage to black and white
I have to say thought that the rx100 mark 2 rarely gets to ISO 800 even at 30 meters
If you set ISO max to 800 the camera will lower the shutter speed to 1/50 or 1/60 and that will give you another full f/stop
What I do is to put the camera in P and half press to see what ISO it's choosing when I force shutter speed to 1/50. If it maxes out and is under expose take filter away and set colour temperature to 9900 m7
---------- Post added January 9th, 2014 at 07:43 AM ----------
So if I am reading this properly, and since I am using an Intova Sport Pro with a 110 degree FOV, I should be able to get good use from these? Welcome To Bigblue Dive Lights Thanks again for the rule of thumb and the advice I have seen.
I am not sure if the 140 fov mentioned is on land or in water if you can check that you can make the best decision
Think that if you get good lights they will probably survive a camera upgrade