Thank You, Veterans

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☀️ Endless Summer 🌤
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Venice, Florida
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200 - 499
For those inclined to support out military and/or may be grateful for the sacrifices of our fallen warriors, feel free to steal and use the avatar I am currently using. Without the sacrifice of our past and present service members, we would not enjoy the freedoms we have today.

I intend to use this avatar until next week and invite you all to do the same.

And don't forget the families of our brave volunteers. They go through some pretty tough times too.

God Bless America. :usa:

For those SB members in other countries, I invite you to remember your heros in uniform too.
I have recently retired after serving America's veterans at our local VA Medical Center for the past 32 years. We owe so much to our veterans and active duty soldiers. A sign in our local VA says it all: "The price of freedom is visible here." Thanks to all who have served and those currently serving.
you're welcome.
Thanks Dad, for your service & duty; For never giving up, for looking after your buddies and for God's Grace in surviving & keeping you alive and well today. . .

Rumbaoa, Corporal Prudencio
NUMBER 580; 14 AUGUST 1951
AWARD OF THE SILVER STAR. By direction of the President, under the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved 9 July 1918 (WD Bul 43, 1918), and pursuant to authority in AR 600-45, the Silver Star for gallantry in action is awarded to the following-named enlisted man:

Corporal Prudencio E Rumbaoa, RA 29 044 898, Infantry, United States Army, a member of Company A, 19th Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division distinguished himself by courageous action near Chaechi-hyon, Korea on 3 June 1951. His company was attacking with the mission of securing a very high and steep-sided hill from an estimated reinforced enemy company, stubbornly defending the hill from well-prepared, sandbagged and camouflaged positions. The enemy had a preponderance of automatic weapons strategically placed on the forward slope which made it necessary for the attacking platoons to work in and destroy them from very close range. As the company advanced up the slope, the lead platoon was pinned down by one of these automatic weapon positions. Corporal Rumbaoa, a rifleman, refused to take cover and continued to advance through the intense enemy fire. Firing his rifle as he attacked, he succeeded in killing the gunner, momentarily silencing the position. Running the next 20 yards with complete disregard for his personal safety, he jumped into the enemy hole. With slashing bayonet and crushing rifle butt smashes, he overpowered and killed the 3 remaining enemy and signaled his company to advance. From this forward and exposed position, he delivered accurate and devastating covering fire for the advancing company as he killed 4 grenadiers who attempted to slow the advance from high ground overlooking the company. Throughout the entire action, he killed 8 enemy and allowed his company to advance and secure the objective. Corporal Rumbaoa's courageous action and deep devotion to duty reflect the highest credit on himself and the United States Infantry. Entered military service from Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii.
Go with this man . . .;take care to bathe his face till every trace of filth has disappeared, for it would not be fitting that he go with vision clouded by the mists of Hell. --Dante, Purgatorio
Happy Veteran's Day

A special thank you:

My father - Command Sergeant Major Ed Shull, US Army, Retired (Korea)
My step father - Master Sergeant Don Stotts, US Air Force, Retired
My son - Chief Warrent Officer 2 Stephen Shull, US Army, Active, (Iraq, scheduled for Afghanistan 2012)
While I may disagree with many of the government policies that have sent our brave men and women in uniform into harm's way, I applaud the bravery, the courage and the sacrifice that those who serve have made. This was a mistake many of my peers made during the Vietnam conflict when they focused anger at those returning from service. To all those who have served, especially those who put their lives in danger, you have my respect and thanks.
God Bless them All!
Adding my thanks to all the veterans, and to those who currently serve, and their families.
Freedom is never free. Thank you to all that have served and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.
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A friend of mine sent me this link to an awesome video that was apparently released by one of our Air Force Training Bases on the day we got Bin Laden. Although it is Air Force oriented, it reflects what our vets do to protect us. It is worth the time to watch it.
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