Scuabamau diving accident

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Why would you need to shame somebody in order to save a life? I think if maybe you think about what you're saying you can probably begin to understand that you can get your message across without shaming somebody.

The value to the lesson for another person in regard to deep diving on air is the outcome of what happened, not the shaming of the individual.

Personally I think you'd have a hard time saying what your saying in your posts if you had to repeat them to Opal's mother in person.
An excellent analogy - drinking and driving is very much like getting narc'd and diving - you are always sure that you are fine and you can handle it.

If you died drinking and driving, would you not want to warn others of the perils?

If this thread were only about Opal and her misadventure I would not be posting. However, in the past few weeks some members on SB have begun to extoll the virtues of deep air bounce diving. Given this context, and the number of new members who may be impressionable, I feel that shaming someone who made a poor choice is excusable if it saves another.

Interesting. Those new members are very lucky to have such an expert in diving and life in general in you to guide them with your moral compass. Do you have a book out or a podcast or some other tool that I can use to get my life back on track. You seem like a real leader that people will want to follow.
To try to shame and disrespect someone that has paid for a mistake with their life is really enlightening into your character. You poor sad person.....
Honestly though, write the how to book with the wisdom you seem eager share. It would be entertaining for sure.
From what I've read, Opal was a smoker too. Does that mean her mermaid picture needs to be doctored up so she looks like a cancer patient? Should everyone who ever dared to ride a scooter in Cozumel be forever associated with the few fatalities that have occurred? How far does it go?
I am merely suggesting that showing someone frolicking in the waves and enjoying the depths is inappropriate for someone who died in such a painful, humiliating way, given why she died and that many here (on SB) still see nothing wrong with executing similar deep air bounce dives.

What the hell!?!? Yeah I still think its a bit harsh and now totally uncalled for! Was she profiting on taking clients on deep dives? No! Tobacco companies profit beyond belief selling something that is more addictive than heroin and just as deadly. Nevertheless, the executives of those companies are not demoralized or depicted in such advertisement. These advertisements both in Canada and in the States are the efforts of anti-tobacco groups. If some anti-bounce dive coalition wanted to do the same with respect to Opal, I suppose that would be their prerogative but in the end, we are all responsible for our own selves.
Can someone please close this thread! It has gotten so off topic and personal. It is no longer instructive or useful.
Can someone please close this thread! It has gotten so off topic and personal. It is no longer instructive or useful.
Without commenting on your assessment of the thread, I'll just say that no one is holding a gun to your head making you read it. There are several threads that I don't follow because I know what's in there and it doesn't interest me.
And I'm still back to my original question, how did we go 400 pages with every other post being "Why, why, why would Opal do this, why, why, why??????????????????????" dozens upon dozens of people dumbfounded that anyone would even consider diving deep, and now there are 4 pages of people saying, this is routine. Again, WTF? Where were you before? Nobody could understand it, now everybody is on the other side as if everybody is diving deep everyday, 4 or 5 times a day and even in their sleep a couple of times.

oooooh.... it's a private club, you must suck if you're not being invited on midnight panty raid dives to 200 feet through the secret dive underground masonic free mason message system. Come on, give me a break. :shakehead:

Mike, all us SB free mason's have conspired to mess with your head, all secretly agreeing to make 100's of posts saying deep dives are inconceivable and prohibited by the laws of physics, then flipping completely around to share our stories of freedives to the bottom of the Marianas Trench!

There are many reasons divers aren't invited to do the cooler dives/trips, most of them are pretty common sense. People seek to hang out with like-minded individuals, and when you meet other divers or dive shops, you ARE being 'interviewed', even if you don't understand that. If you express similar interests and provide real-life proof of how you conduct yourself socially and diver-skills wise on trips, groups will come to accept you as one of them, and you will be invited to do the 'off the books' trips, they just want to screen you first as they don't want to invite anyone on the trip that will jack it up and spoil it for everyone else.

please be careful to avoid any interesting dive trips though, it's probably just another SB free mason 'panty raid' anyway and you wouldn't be interested...
There are no eye openners here. Re-read what I posted. It has nothing to do with dive shops and secret trips. Read it again.

the eye opener bit is that you are even more naive than you realized, having no idea that either 'secret dives' OR 'secret trips' even existed.
I can see that I have made several enemies with my frank comments. While I stand by what I posted, perhaps in hindsight I should have made these posts in the Accidents and Incidents forum. In that forum there is a sticky at: - I invite you all to read it in its entirety. I will re-post an excerpt here (emphasis added):

If I should die while diving.

If I should die while diving please do not hesitate to discuss the incident and assess every element with a view to furthering your understanding of how to enhance diver safety.


If I should die while diving understand, as I already do, that it will most likely involve fault on my part to some degree or another so do not hesitate to point that out.

If I should die while diving some of the fault will probably belong to my buddy and that needs to be honestly assessed as well though I must admit this is one area where I hope that compassion will be in the mix.

If I should die while diving there might be those who try to squelch discussion out of a misplaced notion of respect for the deceased, family and friends. They can say nice things about me at my funeral... but in the scuba community I want the incident discussed.

If I should die while diving at least I didn't die in bed.

I am very happy to discuss smoking, my moral compass (and associated podcasts), dealing with grieving parents or any other topic with any of my detractors. Feel free to PM me.
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