BH this past weekend, Aug 14-15th

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This is New Mexico after all, sounds like some ethnic sensitivity. "I felt like I was in a movie about the southside of LA" Blue Hole is a public park, all should be welcome. Most of the divers are from out of town, trying to restrict access to the locals doesn't seem right.

Yes, as a New Mexico resident I am well aware of ethnic diversity issues. The fact is, the people at the HOLE this past weekend were very scary people(regardless of their ethnicity), I am sure many were carrying weapons, and the fact they were confronting divers, refusing to let them use the stairs, etc. made me and others feel unsafe. I was not saying that Hispanic people should be restricted at BH, I was saying that these particular thugs reminded me of a movie about the southside of LA. There was a huge difference between the crowd on Saturday (mostly families) and Sunday (gangland thugs). I had a few of them walk up to me and point at the dive gear, and ask me what I rented it for... I tried to explain that we owned the gear and it was not for rent, that the divers were certified divers or those taking cert classes. They usually replied "oh really.." I felt threatened, I really thought they were going to just start grabbing the gear, and I don't think anyone there would have stopped them. :shakehead:

My point in posting this is to let those know who go to BH on a regular basis, like we do, what is going on there currently. I wish some Officials from the City of Santa Rosa had shown up to see it. More than one group of divers was there from out-of-state and I know one of them asked the Lifeguard to call the cops. I saw the diver speaking with the Officer when he showed up, along with the Lifeguard, and a group of these thugs was asked to leave. After the cop left, the Lifeguard told another group to leave (4-5 more guys). It was an ugly scene and I thought there might be some violence, but they finally left.

It was not a friendly environment for divers.

Thanks for the pictures, Robin.
The guy in blue in the third picture does look scary.
Thanks t.jack i felt the same way about the l.a.remark. I guess since i'm hispanic i can't scuba dive at the bluehole anymore because i look scary
So you think it is okay to harass the scuba divers who have paid to use Blue Hole? Do you think the Police need to be called just so divers can get in and out of the water? Do you think the City should pay for a permanent Security Guard? (the lifeguard told us that next summer this was happening)
Scuba divers are the ones paying the fees for the upkeep of Blue HOle, and all the improvements (if the building ever gets finished). If these crowds run off the divers, then what? I know of more than one dive shop that does not go to BH anymore because of these issues. Just a few short years ago it was a great place to dive year-round and every weekend there were groups of divers. Not so much anymore...

Sounds like I'll be getting there at about the right time (after Labor Day)....... Hopefully the thugs will be gone back to where ever it is that they go.

It looks like too nice a place to just let the gangs run off all the people who want to enjoy what is there.
I wondering what our progressive friends would think if a few of the Ayran Brotherhood thugs from west Texas were hanging out at the Blue Hole. Somehow I don't think they would be worried about being ethnically insensitive and would call them what they are based on their behavior and demeanor.
The couple times that I've been at the BH this summer was when I was working classes. It's been flat out packed every weekend that I've been down. Between the large groups of divers from Colorado Springs and the topside visitors, it's been overly crowded... As in not being able to find a parking spot on the park grounds if you haven't shown up by 9AM.

I don't have a problem with the way the people look. My problem has been with the cliff jumpers very obviously targeting divers as they jump off the cliff and trying to jump on them, the congregation around the stairs with little courtesy to people trying to enter and exit the water, and lastly the 8 million people laying tarps out directly in front of the entrance of the stairs and giant stride entry - leaving little to no walking room without invading peoples tarps and again little to no courtesy to people trying to enter and exit the water.

The combination of those three factors have created a dangerous situation. Especially with the crowds. Somebody is going to get hurt and they aren't going to be able to be helped as efficient as possible.

I miss diving there, I'll mostly wait until it cools off significantly, so the crowds won't show up, and avoid the weekends when Colorado Springs invades Santa Rosa.

My problem has been with the cliff jumpers very obviously targeting divers as they jump off the cliff and trying to jump on them, ...

this was really bad this past weekend. People were jumping off the giant stride and aiming at the divers. One guy almost got to our group of divers, as they were descending. Can you imagine how scared some OW students would be if someone grabbed or hit them on one of their first dives? This guy and his friends came up and were laughing about it - I heard the whole conversation as I was standing by the wall next to the giant stride. I also saw some of the swimmer pulling themselves down the platform ropes trying to touch the divers. Luckily they don't know how to free-dive and equalize. This was all malicious, as was the groups that stood on stairs and refused to let divers get out of water after a dive, or the ones spitting on the divers over the wall as they stood on the ledge. Yes, I saw that, too.

Stella said she was really disturbed by the crowds this summer, also. She makes her money by air fills only, nobody pays her to be there.

Wow. Things have changed. The last time I was at the BH was... uh... 1996 (I had to look it up in the log). It was busy on the weekends back then too, but I never felt threatened.

Some kind folks have been encouraging me to go back (Ron) but this isn't helping matters.

Free scuba gear. :eyebrow:

UMM, we are going to BH next week. I will post a thread shortly... You SHOULD go.. but that of course is up to you! :D

Don't let the scary photo's of family's crowding the BH scare you off.

One of the best dives I did at the Hole was me solo (wearing Stellas crappy 7mm, returning from FL, so no DrySuit) and not ONE other diver there. The Place was packed with swimmers... but .... Vis from top to bottom... and I could see from end to end at the bottom as well, so 130'+
Thanks t.jack i felt the same way about the l.a.remark. I guess since i'm hispanic i can't scuba dive at the bluehole anymore because i look scary

Well, you may look scary Tino, but it has nothing to do with your being Hispanic! :D

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