Canon G11 or Sea&Sea DX-2G

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Wausau, Wisconsin
# of dives
100 - 199
I am really just looking for nice point and shot camera. I want to be able to have nice snap shots to show people and remember our vacation. I wanted something small and compact that is easy to travel and dive with. That is why I picked these two cameras.

I will be buying a strobe for the camera. Right now I am looking at the SEAS ys-110a but I am looking at other brands too.

I have read good thing about both of these camera and I just can not decide. I want a camera that take good picture of both Macro and standard pics. (I really do not want to add on any wet lenses). Video is nice but more of just something fun to do.

My local dive shop thinks that I want the Sea&sea but I still like the G11. Any advice would be great.
The G11 is a better all around camera then the sea&sea in pretty much ever department. It will perform better topside in all aspect, unless you want a dedicated dive camera. Then both are very equal, but the G11 gives you more manual options. The G11 and a canon case is not to expensive about 600 total. Then you just need to add what ever strobe you wish and a slave cable and you will be set.

So if you are looking for a camera that double as an UW camera besides a topside camera, I would go with the canon. You can add macro and WA lens to the housing for diving, and you can get an lens adapter for the g11 that you can add macro, WA and TC for more topside abilities.
Your LDS is just trying to sell you something they sell----period.....find another LDS if they keep insisting....Also, ask them to compare each one to another(ie the S&S to the G-11--good chance they've never seen a G-11)
I am really just looking for nice point and shot camera. I want to be able to have nice snap shots to show people and remember our vacation. I wanted something small and compact that is easy to travel and dive with. That is why I picked these two cameras.

I will be buying a strobe for the camera. Right now I am looking at the SEAS ys-110a but I am looking at other brands too.

I have read good thing about both of these camera and I just can not decide. I want a camera that take good picture of both Macro and standard pics. (I really do not want to add on any wet lenses). Video is nice but more of just something fun to do.

My local dive shop thinks that I want the Sea&sea but I still like the G11. Any advice would be great.

Storecky, I took my advise from an underwater photography shop that sells everything except cameras, they were resolute that for the price, function and picture quality the G11 is top of the list. I thus bought, and whilst I'm new to the camera and using it when diving and haven't bought a strobe, I'm pretty amazed at the clarity.

My only complaint about the G11 is that it is a little slow when trying to take pictures in rapid succession ~ which due to fish and critters refusing to stay still and pose is something I think could be improved on. There is a setting so you can take shots in rapid succession but when doing so you can't see them as they happen on the LCD. Otherwise, no problem the G11 and the Canon housing I bought produce good results.


No point and shoot will be able to preform great in burst mode, there is just way to much shuttler lag in any point and shoot. I you want fast burst rates with great shutter speeds, you will need to move into a dslr, this is the realm that dslr just blows by any point and shot, bridge camera and megazooms. Also, even on dslr, the burst rate are so quick, if you shoot in live view you will not be able to see them on the LCD either.

But the G11 is a great bridge camera, and a excellent choice for someone new to camera and want to start learning more about photography.
I would probably opt for the G11 too, but it's worth noting that the housing for the Sea&Sea model appears to be much more sturdy then Canon's own housing and my guess is that it would probably last longer. There are of course a few other housings available for the G11, but they are a little more expensive.

One other factor that I don't think has been mentioned in favour of the G11 is that is screen is much bigger and brighter, which can make a big difference underwater, especially for beginners.
My only complaint about the G11 is that it is a little slow when trying to take pictures in rapid succession ~ which due to fish and critters refusing to stay still and pose is something I think could be improved on. There is a setting so you can take shots in rapid succession but when doing so you can't see them as they happen on the LCD.
I was looking at cameras with burst function, but if it's shooting over 1fps, your strobe will not be able to recycle fast enough for the second or third photo.
For about the same price you can get the S90, aluminum FIX housing and a FIX lens adapter kit. But, no matter to me. Failing that I would get the G11.

Palm power to the people:



As far as I know this is the only camera on the market that has rotary control of both f stop and shutter directly via individual controls without buttons, menus, command dials etc, including a whole bunch of dSLRs, and the camera is little and the housing is as slick as can be.


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