Are dive computers overkill for most recreational divers?

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if your doing mostly flat shallow water dives a computer is only slightly beneficial.

Slightly beneficial? Did you read earlier posts?

If you dive a ledge or something that you change depth a bit it becomes more beneficial. if you have a comp that does nitrox also and dive nitrox it is even more beneficial.

What you mean to say is that the computer provides the greatest immediate benefit when conducting multi-level dives...and that it has a myriad of benefits when using nitrox. However, even on a square profile air dive, if used correctly, it provides a wealth of information that can substantially increase your awareness and safety in the water.

the fact alot of them log dives and can transfer to a computer is only a convenience thing

...and a valuable education thing.

and the warnings for ascent rate, time low, air low, and monitor surface interval are all kinda nice for adding to the safety aspect

Well, it is kinda nice not to get DCS......

but if you have another diver using your comp while your on your surface interval it screws up the computer so warnings come up and it gets annoying

Then you would be a drooling retard. You don't do this. You never do this. Never do this. Stop doing this. Don't share computers. Read the manual. Re-take your Open Water course. Quit diving. Get a lobotomy. Seek counselling.


Sharing computers is contrary to every instruction you have ever been given about diving with a dive computer. To do so is idiocy and people who act that way should not be allowed in the water.
I guess ratio deco is not on your approved list?
If a diver was capable of applying it, even under the biggest task loading and stressful situations, then it is a fine way to run dives.

However, for the overwhelming majority of divers the option of a relatively cheap and reliable device that performs a wealth of valuable functions and supports their own planning, awareness and common sense..... and remains functioning when they are otherwise overwhelmed..... now, that is a sensible equipment purchase.
.....However, for the overwhelming majority of divers the option of a relatively cheap and reliable device that performs a wealth of valuable functions and supports their own planning, awareness and common sense..... and remains functioning when they are otherwise overwhelmed..... now, that is a sensible equipment purchase....

Agree 200% :D

devon diver- i realise alot of what your saying but not everyone can afford full sets of gear, when i still had analog gauges i would let my friends use my stuff while i was on SI (i learned not to share comp when one of my friends dads made the switch to comp)by being annoying i was refering to if you arnt using a wrist or removable puck it screws up someones diving for the day if someone diving doesnt have gear (being a college student i have some friends that are certified that have little or no gear and struggle to rent at times). with shallow water square profile dives a computer in my opinion primarily acts as a depth/psi gauge, timer and safety reminder. The logs are far more detailed than what we are capible of manually so it is more educational. I also feel that people have been diving without computers for years so the safety reminders aslog as you were trained properly and stayed in practice are not always neccissary
A computer is rendered completely useless is you are "loaning" it to buddies during you SI. I don't care how cash-poor you or they are. The computer isn't tracking propper nitrogen loading if it's doing more dives than you are doing. If you are ignoring it, "becuase it's annoying" during subsequent dives, then you are putting yourself at a much greater risk for DCS.
that is why i said if you dont have a wrist comp or a puck that is easily removable it is annoying because that gear set becomes locked to one diver pretty much for the day (making it neccissary at that point to have each diver with atleast a regulator set unless you could swap the comps). I learned about not sharing comps before i got my cert because of my friends dad who was certified in mid 80's so he probably had no mention of comps in his classes and i doubt everyone of us reads the entire manuals to our gear or he ignored it thinking that the computer was a bunch of gauges put into one thing.
i do agree with that but it rules out one of the features that buying a computer is extremely helpful for like the repetative dive warnings

What's a repetitive dive warning?

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