Galileo Sol Troubling Issue

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i dont know if it is a glitch or if your pulse may have given off a false reading. It could be picking up on multiple things causing an inaccuracy from the positioning of the HR monitor or could just be an interferance issue, I dont know what the heart rate sampling is on that either but it could have picked up a quick spike from being more active underwater(if smaller intervals wouldnt average as smoothly as other HR monitors) for a point right around when it spiked or could just be an equipment issue. Either way i would take it to dealer or call scubapro and see if there are problems occasionally and what possible steps to reduce problems would be or if you could exchange it. As for the NDL's being different it is in part because the SP monitors workload actively so with HR being higher it would cut NDL lower
....after looking at your avitar, I'm tempted to ask that you 'clam up!'

....anyway, surely you did some sort of SB search prior to asking your question ? There are numerous threads, some quite lengthy, discussing 'issues' with the Sol, the most common issue that comes to mind is the wrist unit losing the HP transmitter signal, which seems to happen with enough Sol divers that I'd give that computer a very wide berth, especially considering how expensive it is my view that SP had/has no business marketing a dive computer that's so unreliable.

And you say this out of experience? I have had NO problems. My friends have had NO problems, A few people out of thousands... and it is unreliable.... Why are you Trolling this Thread? You seem to have no constructive advice, just an asinine opinion. Move On.
My Sol will occasionally get bad HR data, specifically an absurdly high heart rate. This seems to happen when there isn't enough moisture on my skin to make a good connection. When I use electrode gel under my drysuit, or dive wet, no problems. But putting the gel on is a pain so I don't do it.

I think that the routing of my can light cord was a factor too. When the light was in my right hand the cord was all over the Galileo and that could have interfered with the signal. Now that my light is in my left hand, where it should have been anyway, there are few problems with the HRM.

When NOT wearing the HRM, it does get data... from somewhere. That's a pretty lame bug!

I never lose air pressure data.

IMHO the work level deco features are BS. I mean, if I want extra conservatism, I can already set that with the "L" level. The breathing rate and heart rate inputs are just another way to add conservatism, and their merit has not been proven. (I bought the Sol fully intending to turn off those calculations. For me the main draw was the display and multiple tank pressure monitor.)

I display the HR because I find it useful information during a dive. It's another way to know if I am not relaxing enough. But I don't want it factored into the deco algorithm especially since once in a while it will wig out.

I contacted customer support about the "phantom data" issue and they never got back to me. Maybe someone else will have better luck.
I may be wrong [never seen a SOL] but the HR monitor is a Polar.
If it is the same as the land sensor, it is not to uncommon for the sensor to "double count", so you probably had a HR of 110. Usually due to poor contact with the skin.
Sorry, I'm just going with land experience here.
ohh also with the NDL limits being different there was a thread on here about a week or so ago that compared computers and what the sampling and NDL functions were based on giving more conservative or more extreme levels (based on MFG and some brands), if i stumble across it again i will post it. To the people that have the galileo and have the HR shut off or dont wear it was wondering isnt the Smart Z pretty much what that would become. Im not too familiar with them but when i was shopping around i thought they were similar comps other than that
I contacted customer support about the "phantom data" issue and they never got back to me. Maybe someone else will have better luck.

umm... maby try some of the authorized dealers too, i know from experience with alot of other things that when you are stuck waiting for a reply back from CS it rarely happens through a dealer they have a little more standing than a customer since the dealer spends quite a few thousand more dollars than a customer and they may have gotten complaints regarding it too

contacting the dealer gets them nervous since they may lose a grand a year or so of yours and friends business and when they contact CS the MFG gets kinda nervous because that is one of their dealers so they may lose out on a nice chunk of change from losing a dealer or getting less of a push towards their equipment
(I bought the Sol fully intending to turn off those calculations. For me the main draw was the display and multiple tank pressure monitor.)

Is it a simple procedure to turn off the HR and Aspiration inputs?
Just came back from several day of diving in COZ with the SOL. no issues, no problems, love it.
Just took my Galileo into the water for the first time yesterday...HR monitor and all. No problems. Aren't those deco stops part of the micro-bubble profile part of the software? I might be speaking outta my rear, but I thought I had read about that in the manual...under multi-level stops.
Just took my Galileo into the water for the first time yesterday...HR monitor and all. No problems. Aren't those deco stops part of the micro-bubble profile part of the software? I might be speaking outta my rear, but I thought I had read about that in the manual...under multi-level stops.

Tell us more. I'm curious.

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