I'm headed to Carlsbad for a week-long cave geology field trip, so, oddly enough, Roswell is on the way.
Ah ha! Ok, cool. I've only done one wild cave there, just a little one an experienced caver took me into. Sucn fun. Nice area once you adjust to our altitude and dry air. Gawd, it was 102 today and I was on an open air spray buggy for all of it. Drank over a gallon and I am still re-hydrating.
I said that Lake Lea was 50 ft deep or so. I only descend once, to see if there might be viz below and did find 6 to 9 inch viz around a spring, but that's all. It might be deeper in some other parts, but with a silt bottom, I doubt it.
And I said it might be clear after a drought, but I bet that red clay blows in all the time. I doubt that it is ever clear.
Map Quest says you have a 1318 mile drive to Carlsbad:

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But only 1328 if you go by way of Santa Rosa?
It might be more than 10 miles out of your way, but if you want to dive, that's where you go. Can you be there on a weekend?
It's is a spring fed volcanic vent I'm told, and who knows how big the chambers are under the grate @ 84 ft? As far as geology goes, I think you'd find it more interesting that Bottomless Lakes sp, too - even tho there are many fascinating features across NM. I once took my daughters family on a tour of the northwest corner. One day we climbed a cinder cone, then turned around and descend into an ice cave on the same property. Saw a lovely giant arch, huge lava fields, and so much more.
Have a great trip...!