Interesting--that's unexpected for me as a standard operating procedure for supervising a newly certified diver. I'm probably betraying my Northern California experience bias again, but I haven't seen that sort of direct control applied to new divers. How widespread is this practice and what is the experience level you would require of a diver before observing them from nearby instead of in direct contact?
Also, it hasn't been clear from the posts, but it's possible this DM was responsible for both the victim and her husband. Should you link hands with both?
I am a newbie with only one dive trip (Moorea and Bora Bora) behind me. The dive shop in Moorea took my wife and I on shallow refresher dive before the other dives. On the other dives, I was somewhat surprised at how little attention the DM paid to me knowing that I was newly certified. Many times I felt that my wife and I were on our own following along behind the the DM (my wife is AOW but hadn't dove for a couple years) That said, I've never had bouyancy issues. On one of my certification dives, my weights kept following out of my BCD and I was able to keep myself down. This was after the instructor checked my weights to make sure they were in properly, the BCD was defective.