In a crazy twist of fate due in no small part to the crappy economy, we're moving to Colorado (either Boulder or Ft. Collins area) later this summer. My inner- hippie is shrieking with joy! 
I'm currently heading to Utila next week for 2 months to do my DM/IDC, and I'm hoping folks can recommend good dive shops in those areas where I can hang out and learn all about the joys of freshwater diving. I'd also be interested in volunteer/slaving for cheap wages to gain some experience as a DM. If any LDS folks have any needs for anything that a newly trained but hard working and uber-enthusiastic grunt can do, please let me know.
I'm currently in Alaska, so living in Colorado will be a huge change for me. I hear you have snow, but it doesn't get too cold or dark all day. Weird! I teach at University of Alaska, but I'm teaching 100% online and I've decided ENOUGH OF WINTER! We haven't decided on which town yet; what I find out about the local diving will influence my decision greatly. Actually, the place where we can find a house to rent with our 3 dogs will be the final winner.
Thanks for your help!

I'm currently heading to Utila next week for 2 months to do my DM/IDC, and I'm hoping folks can recommend good dive shops in those areas where I can hang out and learn all about the joys of freshwater diving. I'd also be interested in volunteer/slaving for cheap wages to gain some experience as a DM. If any LDS folks have any needs for anything that a newly trained but hard working and uber-enthusiastic grunt can do, please let me know.

I'm currently in Alaska, so living in Colorado will be a huge change for me. I hear you have snow, but it doesn't get too cold or dark all day. Weird! I teach at University of Alaska, but I'm teaching 100% online and I've decided ENOUGH OF WINTER! We haven't decided on which town yet; what I find out about the local diving will influence my decision greatly. Actually, the place where we can find a house to rent with our 3 dogs will be the final winner.

Thanks for your help!