A lot of great comments have already been made by some very experienced vintage divers. I would like to comment as someone who dives vintage, but is not from that era. If you have a little time and a copy of New Science of Skin and Scuba Diving or Basic Scuba, learning to do this is not hard. I spent a few hours in the pool doing the drills, learning to clear, and learning overhead don/doff. Diving a doublehose is probably in the top 3 of amazing things I have learned in the entire time I have been diving. It is the literature of the diving world, there is always more to learn as you peel back the layers, and something new is learned every time you revisit it.
Oh yeah, and to paraphrase Swimjim, that old crap will kill ya
Oh yeah, and to paraphrase Swimjim, that old crap will kill ya