Near-DIR diving: Are there DIR things you would probably never do?

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I think you will find that JeffG assumes a lot of the time.
Your village misses you.
...I have a backup timer/gauge, in the form of my Citizen Aqualand watch. ...

And it has a depth gauge built into it as well? I seriously doubt.

Watches are fine as a backup timer, but you would still need some kind of backup depth gauge, unless you plan to approximate depth visually. Not too sure how you are going to do that in low vis. Maybe you can hold onto the anchor line, and count off spans or feet there. Lots of maybes, whenver you do not have 2 complete depth-timer gauges side by side. Not critical for NDL diving, but very important for deco.
I go by what people say.


Which sounds like a catchy key phrase, but its truly an empty statement. By itself, it means nothing.

The devil is in the details, so to speak.

So what are you getting at? I've explained myself best as I could. I'm straightup. Let me guess I need to take a fundies class before I have any idea what DIR is.
I am not a DIR person nor do I ever really intend to be categorized that way. As someone who is aiming to go down the tech/cave route, I will probably end up taking a fundies class via GUE or whatever. As I read about GUE/DIR and look at their configurations and reasonings, I like much of what I read and can see/understand why they think/choose the way they do.

However, what I don't like are the attitudes of some or I dunno, maybe many DIR people. Even in these forums, they are generally an exclusive and highly suspicious (as someone put it) lot. Rather than the attitude of thats fine, you dive the way you like, I"ll dive the way I like, just don't dive with me, they have this attitude of "well you don't dive the way I dive, which is the right way, therefore you are stupid and a liability to everyone around you". Some go as far to tell other divers that they WILL die and their equipment WILL fail because it isn't Halcyon or whatever (been heard on a boat). I can't say if this type of DIR diver is in the majority or minority but either way, I'd rather not be associated with that type of attitude. On the flip side, there are DIR divers who have great attitudes, will dive with non DIRers as long as they are safe and most importantly, they are not PREACHY.

I do understand that some aggressive DIR people are just trying to defend themselves against those that are overly aggressive ANTI-DIR people. However, it seems to commonly degenerate into a, which diver is dumber technical debate. This type of attitude isn't commonly seen in say inter-agency talks or even in regards to GUE.. it seems the DIR guys are always the ones that get into this fight. Again, I think this just goes back to attitude and the exclusive elitist mind set.

The other thing I don't like is the DIR divers (not necessarily agency) tendency to be anti evolution in dive equipment. Hey, even your stuff had to have been new, tested, and redesigned at some point. Divers had to try it before they came up with the system. The system should be allowed to evolve as well otherwise innovation is never fostered. I'm sure the system probably does evolve and things are looked at, but does every DIR guy have to just wait till J.J. comes up with it? That's just what it comes off sounding like a lot.

I know that the system is a system but what's wrong with taking individual independent parts of that system that obviously work well and using it? Imitation is suppose to be sincerest form of flattery right? And to the anti-DIR people, what's wrong with admitting that some of their choices might make a lot of sense?

I dunno, that's my 2-cents, I could be wrong... but I don't think so. ha ha. Here's to not turning into an exlusive elitist after I take fundies!!
"well you don't dive the way I dive, which is the right way, therefore you are stupid and a liability to everyone around you".

I'm pretty sure only the non-DIR people claim to hear this. I don't know where they are reading it cause its not anywhere in this thread nor any of the others I'm aware of past or present. Not here on SB at least. You for sure can read this on other defunct lists.
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So what are you getting at?
I answered your question. Nothing more, nothing less. How do I know if someone is DIR. I listen/read what they have to say.

Let me guess I need to take a fundies class before I have any idea what DIR is.
and there is that attitude. I'll ignore it and answer your question. Fundies just introduces DIR. Its a good start, but it is not the end all and be all. There are other ways. Mentoring is one.

But its better than learning it on the internet. Which is what most people do.
I'm pretty sure only the non-DIR people claim to here this. I don't know where they are reading it cause its not anywhere in this thread nor any of the others I'm aware of past or present. Not here on SB at least. You for sure can read this on other defunct lists.

Well I quoted it but it's not really an actual quote. I'm just saying that the jist of it sounds like that sometimes (coming from people not the actual system). I think what happens is it they don't even realize that they sound like that. But to a new diver, or an objective person who just "walks in" and starts reading or hearing these arguments, that's definitely what it sounds like. That much zeal and fanaticism, in anything and on both sides of the fence tends to blind people.

Santayana said that a fanatic is one who doubles his efforts after losing sight of his goal.
Isn't technical diving goal oriented? Isn't a goal of DIR to make a safer diver/sport, not an exclusive diver?
I'm really starting to find it amusing, how we DIR folks are getting accused of marching around beating a big drum and chanting, "You will DIE, you will DIE, you're a STROKE, you're a STROKE."

In this thread, you've actually had a few people who identify themselves as DIR divers, talking about things that are taught or recommended that we don't like or don't see ourselves doing. NOWHERE in the thread have we criticized anybody else's way of doing things, or said somebody was going to die, or that they were a stroke.

In fact, I can't remember, in the three years I've been on SB, any of the SB members doing any of those things. A couple can be curt or even abrasive, but for the most part, we simply talk about why we like the way we dive, when we talk about it at all. For my own part, what I try to do is get out on the general part of the board and pass along some of what I've learned . . . Proper weighting, how to balance your rig for good trim, non-silting propulsion, better buddy skills. There are so many things I've gotten from my DIR training and from my DIR buddies that I want to share with other people! And yes, I know these things can be acquired or learned elsewhere, but this is where I got them, and I'm still grateful for that.

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