Censorship and SB..how far are we going to take this???

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Actually it's not necessary. Just join the deco stop. Language is not an issue for censor over there unless it's a personal attack and even some of them are cool as long as the person deserves it. WHen I want to really express myself in ways that are similar to what I hear on the job I just go over there. But it's understood that if you are the sensitive type it's probably not the site for you. As to the military, it's not reserved for the Marines. My son just completed SERE school for the Air Force and what he was describing to me about it was as much fun as the way he told it. "It" really is an adjective. ANd after what he went thru(what he was allowed to tell me anyway, alot of it was classified) perfectly acceptable.

I don't care about this opt-in forum one way or the other, I was just clarifying what some SB members are asking for. I don't see any harm in having it for those who are so inclined.
but, i dont want you calling me bitch, ass, **** (im hopinig that isnt the c word), moron ect..... in humor or otherwise

just becasue i opt into a forum doesnt mean that everyone has to leave their sensibilites at the door does it??

oh no..... no...definitely not.. one still needs to draw the line. but we never call you that, mrsA! :hugs: we just call each other that whether you are around or not :laughing: and that is because i know Chip wouldn't mind if i call him b*st*ard. :D

i am tempted to say: when in rome.... but, no, consider this not said! :)

ps - you know i lurv you maggie so we only agreeing to disagree... oh, and dont go swearing in front of my mum in january ok :wink:

oh, mrs.A, don't get me wrong. i am sure i would get this tongue straightened out somehow when i get to Oz. zsolt can withstand my profanities but his dad might send me off to the next flight out to PI. :rofl3:
If it is now to just a "I want to swear if I want to and should be able to no matter what anyone else thinks" thread, then I think that's different. When did we as a society go from respect for one's personal beliefs and freedoms, to being so self absorbed that all we can think about is what is best for ME? I want it so I should be able to have it/do it/not do it/say it and if you don't like it F You! Look around and you can see that as a society we have almost no respect for anything that is not on our own personal agenda. Talk about being narcissistic. So if other members are not as supportive of the idea as you might want don't just chalk it up to puritanism. Some may just not feel the need like you do. And according to your posts are as entitled to their opinion as you are, correct?
What I’m reading in this thread is confusion regarding equality. The Pros have understanding people have personal levels of tolerance deserving respect. The Cons just can’t see why people with different have any rights.

Let’s say 4 people are diving a site with a cavern among other points of interest. Two divers are BOW with 50 dives each and 2 are Cave 1. The BOW know they are not comfortable in an overhead environment (for obvious reasons) and choose to explore only the surrounding and actually the best part of the site.
  1. Wanting to explore the cavern, should the Cave 1 pair deny themselves the opportunity as other divers might be tempted to follow them?
  2. If the Cave 2 pair did explore the cavern, would they be disrespecting the BOW divers choice?
  3. Should the Cave 1 pair insist the BOW divers come into the cavern with them?
  4. Or, could all 4 divers have a nice dive well within their comfort zone?
i do say the F word occasionally

Bastard and SOB are a couple I never use.
See where I live everyone is a Bastard. They can be a Good Bastard, a Bad Bastard, a Handsome Bastard or when trying to get out of buying the next round, a cheap Bastard.
In fact one of my favourite books is called "Bastards I have Met" by Barry Crump, a local writer.
International flavour....
Heres a thought, have a rating system for the some of the forums, anyone can get to the "G" threads, make folks get a few posts/some time under their belts before they can do a general opt-in to the "PG" forums, more restrictive and a specific opt-in to get to the "R" rated stuff. People that report too many posts get a "Thinner-skinned" rating and can't get to the "R" rated stuff.

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