I was going to let this all die away, but I think one final reply may be in order since someone rejuvenated this thread last night.
I've got something to say to you... Do you have to comment on every single Maui thread that gets posted here?? Come on man, give us a break! What makes you such an expert?
Doug... I tend to reply to threads that I have an answer for. I happen to notice the Maui ones and often enough others don't reply.
As for what makes me an "expert"? Well, that comes with having more-than-average experience with the diving and operators here on Maui. While it may not be the same as you, feel free to chime in and share your opinions and facts.
Stop being such a "know it all". Some of us are getting pretty tired of hearing about your ERDA experiences, Maui Dreams experiences, etc., etc.
Ok... so you don't like hearing about the negative experiences with ERDA, nor the positive experiences with Maui Dreams. So, basically all you really want to hear about is any experience with Shaka Divers? C'mon, Doug...
I remember a couple years ago when you went after me for lobster diving! Thanks for the publicity but it's time to give it up Kris!
You'll recall that all started with the monk seal touching photos that were posted here, not the lobster diving...
Chill out or get out! You're really starting to annoy some of us.
I suppose one could suggest that those that are getting annoyed could also be asked to "chill out or get out."
For the short time KrisB has been in Maui, he's managed to tick off more then one person.
I'm curious as to who all I've ticked off on-island... as far as I can tell you at this point, it's a pretty short list -- and the ones I know about have managed to get ticked off by some of the nicest people around, so I think that is more *their* problem than mine.
To give your National Enquire reports of "what you've heard" at the Kihei boat ramp is a joke.
*shrug* -- feel free to "correct" it, then. Of course, if it's accurate, the only complaint you can make is that it's not first-hand...
He's managed to talk about quite a few boats and companies in Kihei, yet, he has never mentioned that he actually works part time on a boat.
For the record, that's relatively recent -- I've been saying these things about these operators for quite some time.
No one is MAKING you dive here Kris. Feel free to leave at anytime.
I like diving here -- but I despise the attitudes of a number of the operators, especially the ones that turn their backs on safety and legality when dealing with their divers.
Its not that I support or dislike KrisB, as I do not know him personally .... but I will back him up in this manor...
He has been on this board for a while and is more the willing to help out newbies to the island. He is willing to talk about shore dives, talk about local rules and laws. For some us people, we want to know allot about the place we are going to dive at well before we get there. THIS board is a GREAT place to get information and I support anyone who is willing to share that information... no matter if its a good report or a bad report of a dive op... or a local spot. Its helps me make a more informed thought.
Thank you.
So when I see a New Member come on this board to bash someone, they dont hold much credence with me. I am sorry, but I cant spend an hour or two calling long distance to the island to find out a bunch of information from a dive shop. THIS board is where we get it from.
So "Lives to dive" come here for a while... tell us all about the local stuff, help the true divers out... and then maybe I'll listen to you... but until then, I see it as you are in it ONLY for the money rather then helping a fellow diver out.
Wow... that hit the nail on the head.
I'd add one thing... if you want to post anonymously, that's fine. But making a personal attack from underneath a paper bag doesn't usually warrant much respect.