EAN40 Tank Valve Thread Lube

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NE Oregon
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Lots of posts generated in past on this topic....but I can't seem to get a definitive answer to this specific question"

At 40% EAN is either a Vitron type o-ring or is an 'oxygen' lube needed on the tank valve and threads? Not nice to have but actually needed.

Don't mean to start a "Ford vs Chevy" argumentative thread, just looking for fact based answers based on prior experience.


Ps....For decades used DOW 111 on air (21% O2) bottle valve threads.
The cost of a viton o-ring and a tiny tube of oxygen-safe lubricant is such that it doesn't make any sense not to use them for 40%.

You should not have so much faith in 40% being the "safe" limit. Only in the SCUBA industry, is such a high O2 content considered safe. Compressed Gas Association says no more than 23%. Reality is probably somewhere in between those two.
Thanks for input...guess I was not clear....does EAN40 actually need Vitron and oxygen [100%] approved lube?

What has been the actual experience [see 'prior experience' above] of those divers using EAN40 who did not use Vitron or specialized oxygen only lube? Have there been any combustions with EAN40?

Consensus seems to be nothing special for regs/tanks needed [wash,o-rings,lube] at EAN40 or less. I am asking for actual experience not a literature review.
How often do you imagine there would be tanks of 40% catching fire or exploding due to lack of use of O2 approved O-rings and lubes? This would appear to be a fairly rare occurrence with potentially disastrous consequences, so I wouldn't expect to see enough data to really draw a conclusion. Why worry about saving a few cents?
Please opinions do not answer my question. Has there been a single documented case of combustion when using EAN40 in a scuba tank/reg? Asking "How often" , stating "fairly rare occurrences", "wouldn't expect to see enough data to really draw a conclusion" all denote that there has been combustions with EAN40 in scuba tanks or regs; let alone that such an event was caused by "wrong" o-ring or lube.

Not jumping on anyone for their opinions, but so much nowadays seems to be antidotal statements rather than factually based information. Observational data needed. I could be wrong, but without data all else is a WAG. Would welcome documentation so I can learn.

CGA standards 4.1 are about cleaning/lube for 100% O2 and they lump anything above 23.5% in with 100% oxygen standards; again without documented justification being presented...a PSI memo goes beyond the CGA edicts but without factual data for less than EAN40 being in need of the standards. PSI is a good organization, I am certified through them, but again with suppositions and no data concerning the danger of EAN @ 40% or less dive gear.
Have you asked PSI and/or CGA for their justification? They are the most authoritative voice you will find. Asking on SB then ignoring everyone's opinions is rather pointless.
We need to read their standards and make our own decisions...

I never "ignore" opinions; which is light years away from asking for documented data not just suppositions without actual observed data...guess due to my experiences, but "authoritative voices'" do not vouchsafe either their authority, information promulgated or standards established....objective analysis based on objective data points are need for any of us to make informed decisions.. we each need to think for ourselves and then make our choices.

Good overview that ties into this thread....which seems to be degrading into less of a dialogue and more of sniping. Opinions are of value and allow out of the box thinking, but in the end objective analysis wins the day.

I will wait for documentation of combustion at EAN40 or less...

Thanks to those that have posted...I do listen.
Well you don't need any lube and viton orings aren't exactly hard to source.
But becoming the statistic you are looking for would really suck.

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