Which of the following is your preference for side mount, and why?

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This right here ^^^^^^^. This is exactly why I asked what I asked, for multiple people to give me their honest opinions on a couple particular pieces of equipment that was already narrowed down to through research.
I have well over 10 grand in equipment sitting in my garage already. I do not mind spending on gear, what I do not like to do is waste money on something that I end up not liking. This is why I seek out other peoples opinions, hoping for honesty on mistakes that they feel like they made in their purchases so that I and others can avoid that.
Yes, I am well aware that I can dive exactly what my instructor dives, that he likes his gear and that it fits him and meets his needs absolutely perfectly. The problem is that it fits his needs, not mine.
I am looking for a good, solid, starter set up that I can modify by removing or adding to it to fit my exact needs, wants, and fit. Just like lostsheep has done.
I am grateful to each and every one of you that offered up your opinion, just as I asked of you, I hope that one day I will be able to pay it forward as well. Thank you!

One thing to keep in mind is getting custom plates made is a lot easier now than it used to be. Sendcutsend is phenomenal , you just need a .dxf
Have you dived it with AL80 OC?
That is my current configuration. Mexico style is what I am told it is. Of course I also have a Choptima clipped to it. I only have experience with the older nomads, LSs and now the Ray. The Ray has plenty of lift, does not look like a turtle or humpback when inflated and has plenty of lift at the bottom where I tend to need it most thus making it my current preference. When I unclip the Choptima and continue on just OC sidemount, it is streamlined and effortless.
Gearing up to dive sidemount primarily, and really have no experience in any of these set ups, nor am I extremely knowledgeable in what makes any of them better than the others, so I am seeking your opinions on the following, or suggestions on something different, but please be specific about the why's, what you like best about it, and what you hate about it.
Katana 2
Stealth 2.0 tec
I would like it to have 40 or more lbs of lift, dual bladders, and multiple dump valves.
I appreciate your help and opinion
I use side mount for light solo technical dives. PADI TEC 45 Certified so dual bladder was required for the course. I did PADI Tec 40 on Hollis SMS 50 that I modified quite a bit and then went to Hollis Katana 2 with Dual Bladder for PADI Tec 45. It has around 40lbs of lift so I believe it meets your requirement there. It should meet your requirement for multiple dump valves as it has a pull dump positioned at the shoulder. Its my understanding some of the Stealth folks don't like the shoulder pull dump due to safety concerns but I've found I like it and so far have had no issues with it. Katana 2 should work great for you given what stated you would like to have. Its got this quick fit system that makes fairly easy to adjust and size to yourself. I like it.
I am going to take a class, I am asking opinions on equipment.
You did not give a single one on equipment.
I thought I stated clearly that I am neither experienced or knowledgeable in the subject matter...
So, do you have an honest opinion on the 2 pieces of equipment I asked about?
I'm with you on this. I have come on Scubaboard to learn from the experts. It gets frustrating when the replies are ambivalent.
I've made a few, this one I may call it Katana 2-Stealth 2.0 tec ish something Mk 10


comes with a nice weight pack


with the wing from ALIEXPRESS HERE but only 35lbs claimed

And I'm not ambivalent about it at all

This is exactly what I was searching for, thank you!
Was there anything you removed that you found later that you wish you would have left on it?

I am in the process of earning my spot in the technical world, currently in PSD, and am heavily diving off into penetration and overhead environments.
I also like the idea of diving it at recreational limits as I feel it is more streamlined, better weight distribution, and easier to manage valves, gas, and so on.

I completely agree. When I first read this option, I thought it was awesome, but then reflected on the fact that I have not changed the setting up of my bp/w in pretty much forever...

This is almost impossible in my area, the tech world is not as large as it used to be unless I drive over to Florida. I wish I could go in a lds and be able to play with a few different ones, especially the tec.

I do dive both wet and dry, depends on temps and planned times.
I understand that asking my instructor is a viable option, and I assure you, I ask and rely heavily on his opinion, HOWEVER, I also realize he is only one of many people that dive sidemount, and I would rather get a consensus of opinions than to immediately follow just one person's opinion.
I tell my students all the time when they ask my opinion on gear, do not dive it just because I like it. I am particular about my wants and fit, and they may not like what I like. That they would be much better educated by asking many people of their opinions so that they get a better pool of options to base their decisions on instead of just mine. Do it in a democracy type method instead of a dictatorship style.

I appreciate the answers thus far, some great and thoughtful responses!
Did you ever get a SM rig yet? Well to answer your quest I would look at the Hollis K2 dual. Xdeep is great as well.

I am sure you did and am curious which one you went with. I have three rigs and could not agree more with the comment above stating that a good instruct would have a variety of gear. I don't dive dual bladder due to the fact that would probably find myself taking it off just because it may become to cluttered. That's just me and you will find out very quickly SM is a very personal thing. It's great to pick peoples brains to assist as you transition down the road.

I cut my teeth on the Hollis SMS 75 for up in TN/KY area for cold water. I know dive the Dive Rite Nomad LS for more wrecks and warmer water. My third is the Hollis K2. It doesn't balloon up on you and almost comes rigged with minor adjustments. Love the quick fit system. While teaching a new student I was able to adjust the SM K2 rig within minutes.
I'm with you on this. I have come on Scubaboard to learn from the experts. It gets frustrating when the replies are ambivalent.
Read the thread again. I gave him my experience. But I also stated he needs to consult his instructor because there's nothing an instructor hates more than dealing with a piece of gear they aren't a fan of. Esp sm gear.
Unfortunately too many people come here to learn from others when what they need to do is sit down and have a conversation with their instructor before class. We are not the experts because we can not work hands on with you. Some of us have more experience than alot of instructors around the US when it comes to sm. But justg reading our thoughts isn't the answer. A 98lbs woman vs a 210 dude are going to need very different recommendations. I can guarantee if you show up in Marianna to take a sm class with Edd bringing your razor he's going to have issues. And vice versa you show up in mexico with an Edd-modded SMS 100 they're going to laugh you out the door.
So the correct answer for things like this is to consult your instructor.
I can guarantee if you show up in Marianna to take a sm class with Edd bringing your razor he's going to have issues ...you show up in mexico with an Edd-modded SMS 100 they're going to laugh you out the door

Do you have personal experience with this? Cause I do, and Edd didn't "have issues." His response was to tell me what he liked and what he didn't. He then emphasized, "finding what works for you." If I recall correctly there was a lot of the , "why behind the how" or something to that effect. This was when they were putting the final touches on the K2; funny thing happened shortly thereafter, they released the production version of the K2 and I got one because I found Edd's arguments compelling.

My path into SM was not the preferred one. I was solicited to make a bunch of SM plates and harnesses because I am a machinist. If I am making something for someone else , of course I'll make one for myself too. I literally had no idea what I was doing so I had to learn what I could from the more experienced divers around me who were asking for fab work. I learned from them, I learned from Edd, and I learned over time from personal experience. The OP was asking questions about his known-unknowns, there's no harm in learning as much as possible in advance by asking questions.

I am in total agreement on talking to your instructor, but any instructor (or internet expert) worth a crap isn't going to laugh you out the door, they will share their knowledge in a constructive manner just like Edd did with me and as others have done here for the OP.

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