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Now or in the distant past?
Currently. I need at least one more surgery. I own a Disabled mirror hanger now. But this thread is about Don, the man, they myth, and the legend! :D
I own a Disabled mirror hanger now.
I appreciate mine even tho spaces are usually full at doctor's offices where most patrons have one, and sometimes all full at Walmart. Nice when my daughter & I take the kids on driving trips, etc. We took the two of my great-grandkids that she is raising and the two Chinese students she's housing on a 1,000+ mile Spring Break trip to visit certain sites around New Mexico, then took them all to Glen Rose in the Texas Hill Country for the Total Eclipse. The trips went great altho I did sit out some hikes.

But this thread is about Don, the man, they myth, and the legend! :D
Do you have one on your challenges? Back surgeries sound scary altho I'm sure they've improved a lot since my mom had one in the 1970s. I had gall bladder surgery around then with several days inpatient and a 6" scar. My daughter had one a few years ago as an outpatient and a tiny scar. Whatever, best wishes on yours.
I appreciate mine even tho spaces are usually full at doctor's offices where most patrons have one, and sometimes all full at Walmart.
My GP moved to a much smaller town (Bell), which has far better parking. Yay! However, almost her entire practice followed her from Branford. Boo! She's still working for Palm's Medical Group, and they really believe in treating patients like family. Their growth is a direct result of this kind of patient first philosophy.

Glad you got a lot of time with the family! I won't get any grandkids, but I still have some great Grand Nephews and Nieces. They call me "Grunca Pete"...

To NetDoc Pete the Chairman...

There are a couple of assistive instruments that I have not given up yet...
  1. The bedside commode they gave me never was used in the bedroom, but it's been handy in my main bathroom without the bucket as it's easier to stand from with those side handles and my legs appreciate the assist. I have a couple of grab bars there, but I don't like their positions. Maybe soon.
  2. I like the electric shopping carts at my grocery still. Walmart doesn't offer them, but I don't like shopping more than I have to there. I use their curbside pickup more.
I considered knee replacement a few years ago on the same one worked on this past fall, but backed out then. I don't think I qualify for it now, but I need to see that sports orthopedic again soon to see if he has any good ideas as arthritis does slow me down some days.
In October when I moved home again, I had hoped to be able to walk without assistive equipment again someday. I mowed my grass with my self-propelled walk behind mower last week. :cool: It has seven speeds: fast and six others faster but I kept up with the slowest okay.

I lost over 20 pounds in the hospitals. I'm not certain as I don't watch closely nor keep records, but I had been working to lose weight from highs around 200 and I think I had it down to around 185, but then it dropped to 165 and my skin on my arms looked shriveled..

Since I got home I've been working at eating more, easier now that I can walk around the kitchen without equipment, my grocery bills have increased, I've put 10 pounds back on, and my arms look better. I've been finished with physical therapy for weeks, and I'm almost finished with going in for wound care between my toes (It seems to heal slowly there?), so I need to start hitting the gym to build up some muscles.

Progress... :cowboy:
Made a weak start at the gym today. Note: take Tylenol BEFORE gym. I'll try to do more next time. The first time those ladies saw me I was on a walker and wearing a foley bag. I'm glad those days are long past.

Made a weak start at the gym today
Total BS. You showed up. You showed up. That's a win my friend. A big win. Keep showing up and doing what you can, but please don't overdo it.
I need at least one more surgery.
When is that scheduled? I hope that it and the recovery go well. I know how tiresome it gets to have surgery after surgery with the four I had and the months in rehab.
I considered knee replacement a few years ago on the same one worked on this past fall, but backed out then. I don't think I qualify for it now, but I need to see that sports orthopedic again soon to see if he has any good ideas as arthritis does slow me down some days.
Nope, no good ideas there. Extra strength Tylenol it is. I always appreciated good old aspirin more, but I can't take it or ibuprofen with the industrial-strength blood thinners I am on now.

I had hoped to be up for a return to Cozumel diving by my August birthday as that's been my traditional trip. It's odd that I had not been planning one already when all this started last July. I don't remember why I hadn't and can only guess that I was already feeling challenged in the months before. I think that I am something of a klutz diver even on a good day, yet generally capable of taking care of myself usually. I'd like to think that I am capable of taking care of myself while saving someone else tho, and while my healing has continued well, I doubt that I'll be up to that by then. Maybe this winter when the Eagles return. Still, I'll expect to pay for a private DM for my first day and a checkout. I've shared these feelings with my preferred operator and he has been very supportive.

A snapshot of my retired equipment stored in a spare bedroom just in case. I ordered that particular laundry basket while I was still in the rehab hospital so I could tie bootlaces to it, slip a loop over my shoulder, and drag it on the carpet down the hall to my laundry room while using both hands on the walker. I have a few walking canes not pictured that I keep available in case of need around the house and in the car.


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