Zeagle Suggestions

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Scuba Instructor
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The third planet (a smaller one but a nice blue hu
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5000 - ∞

I'm a pretty big fan of Zeagle stuff but have a couple of suggestions:

On the Ranger BCD:

(1) There’s a Velcro tab on the cord to drop weights that was held in place by double sided tape? This lasted about 22 dives. It seems needlessly complicated. Why not just "male" velcrow on one side and "female" on the other?

(2) The coverbun on the Ranger LTD has an additional fold out pocket. Converting it into an delayed SMB pouch would be more useful. Including an SMB/mini reel designed for the pocket would get you sainted...

(3) It would be nice to be able to install a D-ring on the shoulder strap without having to split the ring. Maybe sew "keepers" on to the padding and thread the webbing?

(4) The Inflator swap system Zeagle came up with is disappointing. In my experience the ring didn’t stand up to the cold. We were diving a quarry in january and the plastic garden hose ring just snapped in half! I dont think this is a good idea in combination with a pull-dump or an Octo-Z (or both).

On the pony:
(5) The reg is in a vulnerable position when zipped into the ranger. A little rubber foot (like from a cane) on the head of the 1st stage would protect it from being smashed on deck when you dismount. I’ve used this 8 dives and it is scratched and dented.
Let me add one ...

I dive a Brigade, my wife a LaZer. We both love them! However, the design of the pockets and their zippers makes them self-emptying in use.

These zippers open from the front to the back. And the zippers have a habit of opening themselves a bit. Consequently, when you're in a well-trimed, horizontal attitude, gravity has a habit of releasing all sorts of expensive goodies from the pockets, never to be seen again.

Luckily, to this point, we have not lost any critical emergency gear at the wrong time. If that were to happen, it would really ruin my day ...

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