zeagle enovy delux questions

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Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
# of dives
500 - 999
Scott hopefully you can answer these two questiosn for me.

1. How cold of water can you dive the envoy deluxe in without risk of freezing up?
2. Can you use it with Nitrox up to 40%?
That is what I was hoping you would say, I do not plan on going any colder than that, I just was unsure of its limits.
Not sure what Zeagle says but I know I have had mine to 39 several times with no issue. Just another reason that I bought what I did.
According to Jim Fox, 40 degrees and up should be ok...with reasonable technique.

So If I freeze up at 50 I can blame you Scott?:thinkingo
Nope you get to blame Jim Fox.
Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out. :D

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