Zeagle computer, any news, hints,

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It's been 10 months and time to bug you again whether you need it or not :)

I'm just curious, I am a visually impaired diver, and I am wondering if your planning on still having a nice large display?

two things I want in a computer

Access to data without flipping screens, and BIG numbers

OH hey I saw the video on rethreading the rip cord, great job, and now I understand how to re-thread my ranger if need be.

The good news is....

We will have a dive computer for 2008, which will be shown at DEMA '07.

The bad news is, it isn't the super-duper whiz bang computer we were hoping for, but it is a good nitrox compatible, 2 gas, computer.

We are currently working on the "whiz bang" computer, and have every hope that it will be ready to show in Vegas at DEMA 2008!!

That's all I can say...

I went diving Friday with the 2008 Zeagle prototype computer, and it has a good sized screen and big numbers for the primary information.

It's easy to set up and insert your mix. I put it through the motions and then set it back to air for the OW dive class I was teaching.

There will be a downloader for it but I didn't have it yet.


DEMA isn't too far away this year, I hope to see some pictures, and maybe some feature descriptions after the show.

Thanks for the info Scott!


I picked up the new N2ition and started pushing buttons.
I had the date, time, etc. set in seconds.
I went to dive settings mode and explored the nitrox settings... piece of cake to set.
Next I checked out the log mode, easy to access, but it was empty, a virgin computer!
I looked at the dive info screens and was impressed with the large easy to read numbers and graphics; ditto on the surface modes, everything that counts is right in your face!

Then I picked up the draft manual for the computer... user-wise I did'nt need it at all, but the final version will include all the information a diver will ever desire for every possible detail about this instrument.

I took it scuba diving very shallow in a dive class, MOD of 36 ffw, and all the information was crystal clear, despite being different from every computer model I presently own.

(Then I forgot to take it off my wrist when I did a bit of equally dangerous freediving to 30 ffw and drove the ascent alarm absolutely nuts!)

The N2ition is cool, but not perfect... we didn't have much time to innovate after the recent implosion of the Cobalt vapor-ware computer.

If you want total innovation, wait until 2009.

If you want a good affordable computer in 2008, the N2ition will take you there.

good, affordable, easy to use. Sounds like a good combination. I have a veo 200 and I must say I am glad I didn't pay full price or it. Probably why the guy I got it off of got rid of it. Tiny numbers, horrible night viz. etc etc.

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