Words can not even begin to explain how very sad I am over such a loss. Zak was my CD at Pro Dive just recently. My heart breaks just thinking about not hearing his crazy quotes that always made everyone feel at ease, or seeing that amazing smile he had that just lit up the room. As my CD, I certainly didnt always agree with him, and sometimes he made me just crazy mad, but he would always take the time to explain whatever I needed.
For those of you that didnt have the privilege of meeting Zak, and getting to know him, I want to tell you a little about the kind of guy he was by giving you a few pieces of the IDC diary I posted in the Instructor forum while I was at Pro Dive
** DAY ONE** Our EFR Instructor is none other than Mr. Zak Jones, a great guy full of personality and spunk. He has an upbeat tone and ready to make things fun and informative. We spend most of the morning going over some basic stuff and outlining the upcoming days event.
**DAY TWO** Class goes very smooth again today. Zak has me cracking up within the first few minutes of sitting down, I dont think hell ever know just how much I needed to laugh, Im thankful hes the Instructor for the day dealing with me being homesick.
**DAY ??** One last presentation this evening on Rescue diving with Zak. We are all tired and ready to call it a day, so definitely has his work cut out for him trying to keep us alert. His charming smile and witty personality always seem to make his class fly by.
After class, Zak hung out with a few of us and showed us some really cool knots. Its nice that he has taken such a personal approach to our success. I love every second I get to pick his mind. When it comes to a business approach, this man is brilliant. If you can try to imagine what must go on inside the mind of a man who says things like spelling a word only one way shows a lack of creativity when talking to us about being a bad speller. He makes us laugh, and at the same time brings some serious value to the table.
There are so many things that Im leaving out right now out of sheer disbelief that hes gone, he was such an incredible man that his legacy will continue to live through us, the lives he touched. Every time we teach a class, his memory lives on.. I sit here trying to keep it all in perspective, just like I know he would tell us to do, but its hard
I can still hear him telling us This aint your mommas open water course and that seems to bring a smile to my face.
Ive recently been informed that Pro Dive will release a statement when they can, I would advise everyone to give them a chance to do so as Im sure they are still being flooded with phone calls. Just remember, Zak was part of their family too and they also need some time to grieve.