So, yesterday was my birthday so I headed up to Dutch Springs for a day of diving fun. There was a decent-sized group with our LDS, but I decided that my first dive of the day would be solo - just because I could! I followed the rules, checked out the locator beacon, checked in with the lake staff before entering the water and gave them my dive plan. Feeling good! By the time I got in, the vis was the worst I'd ever seen it. No big deal, my plan was to surface swim past the training platforms and then take a heading to the helicopter (for those who are familiar). I had just gotten a wrist-mount compass as I'd like to get rid of my my console at some point, so I decided I'd use that and my depth gauge on my console to practice maintaining depth mid-water with no reference.
I headed out on my journey, with the console and wrist compass held together in front of me. After a while, I thought, I should have run right into the helicopter by now. I swam a little more and then I knew something had gone awry. I finally decided that I had better go up to take a look, so I did my safety stop and proceeded to the surface. Holy crap, I was a lonnnnng way from the helicopter in the wrong direction!! A little baffled, I took a heading back to the helicopter, just using my computer and wrist compass this time and ran right into it. I reset my heading to go to my next destination using my depth gauge and wrist compass, and sure enough, after swimming for a while...nothing. AGAIN, proceeded to surface to check my location and again, I was way off base! lol At this point, I'm glad I was alone because I would have been pretty embarrassed. I've always been pretty good at compass navigation, so my confidence was a little shaken.
Long story short, I decided to head back in. I took another heading and I got the compass all set up while still on the surface. I descended and pulled my console out in front of me and suddenly, the needle goes batty on my compass. DUH!!! I didn't even think about the compass on the back side of the console - it had been interfering with my wrist mount compass! :doh:Got a good chuckle out of the whole mess on my way back to the dock! Looks like I will also remember my first solo dive for years to come. Happy diving, everyone!