Michael Sorice
I'm a Ph.D. student at Texas A&M University (USA) doing research on SCUBA diver preferences for coral reef management. We're looking for U.S. residents over 18 yrs. old and who have saltwater diving experience to participate.
Participation consists of filling out a questionnaire. It should take less than 15 minutes to complete. If you are interested in participating, please send your snail mail address in an email to michael.sorice@tamu.edu. This research is being conducted by Texas A&M University so any information you provide will be strictly confidential and used solely for the purpose of this project.
If you want to know more about the project, check out:
Thanks for your help!
I'm a Ph.D. student at Texas A&M University (USA) doing research on SCUBA diver preferences for coral reef management. We're looking for U.S. residents over 18 yrs. old and who have saltwater diving experience to participate.
Participation consists of filling out a questionnaire. It should take less than 15 minutes to complete. If you are interested in participating, please send your snail mail address in an email to michael.sorice@tamu.edu. This research is being conducted by Texas A&M University so any information you provide will be strictly confidential and used solely for the purpose of this project.
If you want to know more about the project, check out:
Thanks for your help!