You know you're a diver ADDICT when....

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I KNOW I'm addicted to diving because:

I bought 4 tanks 'cause it's cheaper than 6 months of rental fees.
Sunday night to Friday night is refered to as an extended surface interval (Unless I go night diving on Sunday or Friday).
I quit smoking because it impacted my SAC rate so that means that I'm more addicted to diving than I was to cigs.
When I pass a low lying area I think, "If it rains really hard...."
I bring my dive gear to the golf course.
I took a job in the swimming pool industry because, well... You know.
I can't have to many wet suits.
I need at least 2 more tanks just to round out a 6-dive weekend.
And you know what I always say sometimes.......
Your travel advice to anyone who asks is to your own favorite dive destinations whether they are divers or not.

You refinance your home for an entire new set of gear including several tanks and a dive vacation - guilty!
Even though u hang it after each dive your gear is Always wet!!!

Your a childrens swimming instructor and u teach them too exale just enough to maintain neutral buoyancy and hover...... with good trim of course
I've gone weeks without a dive. (when the visibility was lousy).
The only time I've gone weeks without a dive was when I had knee surgery. After a six week surface interval I was in serious withdrawal. When I went to the doc for that final checkout the conversation went something like this ...

Doc: Well, your knee looks good to go. So when are you going diving?
Me: My gear's in the car, I'm meeting my buddy in half an hour.


... Bob (Grateful Diver)
You visit this website more than once a day...and post something somewhere everytime. own the Sea Hunt series on DVD....all of them.

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