Yet another ScubaToys testimonial!

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Reaction score
Northern VA, USA
I came to this forum to post a testimonial about ScubaToys. I was not surprised to see many other similar posts. I just received my order from ScubaToys. I spoke to Joey, who was more than happy to answer my questions no matter how stupid. He even pointed out that he wasn't trying to change my mind about one item. He was completely unbiased, just the facts. What more could you ask for?

Then I receive my order (I was at work and couldn't tear into the box immediately, damnit!). Of course everything was perfect (not yet tested fully). I remembered the day after I placed my order that I forgot to get an inflator hose for my new BC. I figured I would just get one locally. Wouldn't you know it?!?!?! There it was, installed and ready to go. I don't want to give too many details, I'd hate for someone to call them and say "You did it for that guy online." There was another freebie, and that's not all. Total price shipped, was less than I was quoted just for the gear! These guys ARE my new LDS! Now if I can just figure out how to get my tanks to them for inspection.....

Thank you Joey and everyone at ST! I will not forget this!

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