Just returned from a visit with an ENT Dr. looked for one familiar diving but could not get a solid referral. Seems I had a mild middle ear barotrauma. Likely caused while equalizing. Pushed too hard and fluid from eustacian tube into middle ear. I surfer seasonal allergies during 4 of the seasons so not diving with mild congestion is impossible for me. While the last episode seems to be worse than before, looking back it’s likely been a problem the last year or so. I will try to slow down descending and equalize more frequently (I never feel
like I’m having trouble) and make sure to do so with less force. The Dr also suggested I use Affrin spray in the nose before each dive and Sudafed. Is this sound advice? I’m not searching for a way to dive with a head cold or serious congestion, I fully realize that a medical cocktail may enable me to descend, but stop working before I surface and lead to reverse blockage and far more serious ear injury. I have used Sudafed for years and am comfortable with that but it’s not been enough and the affrin is an unknown to me
like I’m having trouble) and make sure to do so with less force. The Dr also suggested I use Affrin spray in the nose before each dive and Sudafed. Is this sound advice? I’m not searching for a way to dive with a head cold or serious congestion, I fully realize that a medical cocktail may enable me to descend, but stop working before I surface and lead to reverse blockage and far more serious ear injury. I have used Sudafed for years and am comfortable with that but it’s not been enough and the affrin is an unknown to me