We took the classes over a weekend Saturday and Sunday this was class room and swimming pool. I took the ow classes and the advance AOW over this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I choose not to dive Sunday I did not feel well and was nervous. I just got talking with experience diver and told me I should report our experience with Padi. I am still on the fence about this.
Do I wish I had better instructor. sure but the responsibility still relies on me. Do I know I screwed up sure. I posted to get advice on what I did wrong. I will say I really thought I had a saftey net with being with a dive master. I learned that is not the case. I was no more safe having him then I would of being alone.
Also on AOW . I was not doing this to get a certificate I was doing this to get more dives so we knew what we were doing on our trip. I want to be safe. I have 3 year old that I want to come home too. I have nothing to prove nor does my wife.
Do I wish I had better instructor. sure but the responsibility still relies on me. Do I know I screwed up sure. I posted to get advice on what I did wrong. I will say I really thought I had a saftey net with being with a dive master. I learned that is not the case. I was no more safe having him then I would of being alone.
Also on AOW . I was not doing this to get a certificate I was doing this to get more dives so we knew what we were doing on our trip. I want to be safe. I have 3 year old that I want to come home too. I have nothing to prove nor does my wife.