XTAR Dive Lights Collections

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A dive light is an essential piece of your scuba kit. Day or night, the light helps you to navigate, see your gauges, peer inside wrecks, or look into the cracks where shy creatures hide. To fully enjoy all the diving trips, bringing a solid dive light is a good choice.

There are different xtar dive lights on our online store:

Which dive light do you like most? :wink:
XTAR Dive lights.jpg
The D26 2500 is a great light (the short version).
Concur on the d26 2500. Also have one and it's been great!

I wish they had the video light in stock
Double post.
I have the D26. Great light!
I have the D26. Great light!

Which one?

I have the D26 1100, D26 1600, and D26 2500. I do not like the 1600 because if the locking mechanism. The 2500 I have mounted to a goodman handle and the other 2 are on each D ring. When I lend one out it's usually the 1600.
Which one?

I have the D26 1100, D26 1600, and D26 2500. I do not like the 1600 because if the locking mechanism. The 2500 I have mounted to a goodman handle and the other 2 are on each D ring. When I lend one out it's usually the 1600.
I have the 1100.
I have the 1100.
I don't know why they don't have that locking mechanism on every light. The push and hold sucks.. it's always on when I don't want it to be.

The 2500 has that, I think it's great (at least until it dies I guess).

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