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Sydney Australia
Hopefully Scott can definetively answer this question, but I'm open to all users and any experience they have. Ok

I live in Australia, I'm an American who has done 20 years of diving in the Great lakes (Lake Michigan mostly) but never in the Ocean. I have been in some real muck and under some thick ice haha. At anyrate my experience here in Sydney is Nil. I love to dive wrecks and routinely push the recreational diver limits. I've always used Poseidon Cyklons or Odin/Jetstream regulators save a stint when I tried some mid range USDivers that routinely freeflowed at depth. I'm quite happy to stick with my Poseidons but this year my 12yo daughter is interested in learning to dive along with my girlfriend. Which gives me the oportunity to buy more gear. haha End result is I want a regulator that I can trust with my daughter to use but also if she decides she isn't into diving I can use for the types of diving I do. Who knows I might give up my poseidons (unlikely) At anyrate the dealer here suggest the XP over the VI because sydney ocean waters are fairly warm (Hot compared to what I'm used to) Is it only the cold water behaviour difference between the two ? Might I encounter at 30 to 40 metres the type of conditions that the VI would be better suited for? At anyrate any discussion regarding these two regs would be appreciated.
I'm interested in really hearing the difference....i've been diving a flathead XP for a while now and i just purchased a flathead VI for my doubles....

They were explained to me as being the same reg except for the environmental seal on the VI....like to see what scott says....
Yes, the enviromental seal (on the 1st stage) and the heat exchanger (on the 2nd stage) are the only differences. Actually, buy removing the enivormental seal when we made the XP, it made the reg perform even better than the VI.

2 of my best friends in the world took the XP regs to over 400 feet last year, and reported that they performed flawlessly.

Personaly, I would choose those regs for my children without hesitation.



Congrats on your choice of Regs. Your new Zeagle Flathead XP is being fully QC checked and will be shipped to you first thing Monday.
I hope your daughter enjoys diving it :wink:


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