There does seem a lot of questions about SSI actions on this thread. I was trained SSI, and the instructor and DMs were extremely professional and I felt as safe as could be with them. While I agree these particular instructors should be suspended and disallowed from instructing until a complete and thorough investigation of their actions (and lack thereof) has been concluded, after which if the facts are borne out they should lose their certifications and not be allowed to ever instruct again, I truly hope SSI will do the right thing. Investigate fully, and hold accountable those involved. Given they seem to be expecting a lawsuit, they can't exactly defend themselves in the court of public opinion, but they can do the right thing. My personal experience with SSI was that safety was their top concern every step of the way.
I've read many of you calling into question many of the facts as outlined by Scott in his article. I've personally had sand in my regulator allow water with inhales. As an experienced diver it did not create anxiety with me, but I can certainly understand how it could be a major problem on a check out dive. I can see how the instructor may have been unaware of the problem being experienced, and hurried to attempt to put the primary back in Kerry's mouth, and in doing so both knocked away the secondary and struck her on the cheek. What I cannot understand is the apparent lack of focus on complete safety for ALL the students during the time prior to the incident taking place. If the instructors were unfamiliar with the gear Kerry was using, would it not have been his/their responsibility to completely check it out and become familiar? I can tell you my instructor would never have allowed me in the water with gear he was not completely familiar with, and which he had not watched me properly verify was working before getting in the water. If the story as written is true, and all that happened was a comment asking when the reg had last been in the water, that is hardly ensuring the student's gear was in working order. I am appalled at the account of these instructors, and the incident has undermined my confidence in the diving industry that such apparently callous instructors were ever certified. While I believe SSI is a great organization, I would question not only these two instructors but those who allowed them to be in positions to teach such a potentially dangerous sport, and I would call on SSI to tighten their procedures that allowed these two men to become instructors in the first place.
I've read many of you calling into question many of the facts as outlined by Scott in his article. I've personally had sand in my regulator allow water with inhales. As an experienced diver it did not create anxiety with me, but I can certainly understand how it could be a major problem on a check out dive. I can see how the instructor may have been unaware of the problem being experienced, and hurried to attempt to put the primary back in Kerry's mouth, and in doing so both knocked away the secondary and struck her on the cheek. What I cannot understand is the apparent lack of focus on complete safety for ALL the students during the time prior to the incident taking place. If the instructors were unfamiliar with the gear Kerry was using, would it not have been his/their responsibility to completely check it out and become familiar? I can tell you my instructor would never have allowed me in the water with gear he was not completely familiar with, and which he had not watched me properly verify was working before getting in the water. If the story as written is true, and all that happened was a comment asking when the reg had last been in the water, that is hardly ensuring the student's gear was in working order. I am appalled at the account of these instructors, and the incident has undermined my confidence in the diving industry that such apparently callous instructors were ever certified. While I believe SSI is a great organization, I would question not only these two instructors but those who allowed them to be in positions to teach such a potentially dangerous sport, and I would call on SSI to tighten their procedures that allowed these two men to become instructors in the first place.