As many of you may have heard on the news, we had a divefatality on Monday, June 25 at Whitefish. To keep the gossip to a minimum here are the facts. The news reported that these wererecreational divers on a wreck that is 175' deep. This is wrong. These were trained technical divers on thistrip. The diver that passed was with hisdive buddy. There profile was fine andthe dive went well until the ascent. DYbecame entangled in the line and his buddy untangled him. They ascended and completed their 70' stopwhen DY began to drop with no regulator in his mouth. His buddy attempted to catch him but couldnot go any further due to limited gas supply. The Michigan State Police recovered DY on Tuesday. He had 800 psi in double 100's for back gasand 1500 psi of O2 for deco on him when found. Also no reg in his mouth. According to the State Police all gear appeared to be workingproperly. They are suspecting some sortof health event was the cause and are doing an autopsy. This is an unfortunate accident and DY'sbuddy did the right thing or there would have been 2 gone. DY was a friend and will be missed by all whoknew him.
First prays and condolences to all involved in this a lost life is always a tragic event no matter the circumstance. Next I find it odd that his deco bottle only had 1500 psi in it. I am wondering if he took a oxtox hit, since the post also say it had 02 in it.It is possible after task loading from the entanglement or possible separation that the diver switched to his deco mix not thinking and if out of range from his buddy was not checked. This could cause them to go unconscious sink and drown. I be interested in seeing what the final verdict is.
This is just a thought I had no facts other then what was posted in the post I quoted.