Hi All,
I'm kinda writing on behalf of my wife, for some reason I'm more inclined to do a lot of the research on gear. We're in OW pool sessions right now and she has been working in a conventional jacket BC. She is of stout and "fluffy" proportion and is less than thrilled with the jacket she has been using.
After reading about BP/W here for months I started taling to her about the various rigs and harnesses including the harness packs with wings. In searching the archives I find many references to women using them but no pictires that I can find. She is having a hard time visiualizing what it would be like with all of the conventional gear cliped up and so forth. We're not planning any tecinical diving but doubles are not out of the question probably for range more than depth. Our LDS kinda brushed the idea off as for technical only (he doesn't seem to represent any of the brands) and we will probably have to travel a ways to actually check any out so I'm trying to qualify it as an option. I'm also intersted in going that route.
Any how on to my request.... I was wondering if any of the ladies had pictures they would care to post, point me to or send if they didn't want them posted online.
I'm kinda writing on behalf of my wife, for some reason I'm more inclined to do a lot of the research on gear. We're in OW pool sessions right now and she has been working in a conventional jacket BC. She is of stout and "fluffy" proportion and is less than thrilled with the jacket she has been using.
After reading about BP/W here for months I started taling to her about the various rigs and harnesses including the harness packs with wings. In searching the archives I find many references to women using them but no pictires that I can find. She is having a hard time visiualizing what it would be like with all of the conventional gear cliped up and so forth. We're not planning any tecinical diving but doubles are not out of the question probably for range more than depth. Our LDS kinda brushed the idea off as for technical only (he doesn't seem to represent any of the brands) and we will probably have to travel a ways to actually check any out so I'm trying to qualify it as an option. I'm also intersted in going that route.
Any how on to my request.... I was wondering if any of the ladies had pictures they would care to post, point me to or send if they didn't want them posted online.