Wisdom Teeth

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Lately it I am having to equalize more and more on dives and having real trouble with my right ear.

The thing is my wisdom teeth are coming through at the moment and I am wondering wheter that has anything to do with it. When I am not diving I get quite bad earaches in my right ear (the tooth on my left has erupted so isn't as painful any more) And i get painful sinuses. I've been to my dentist and am waiting for a referal to have them removed as he says they are the reason I am getting earaches sinus pain and nosebleeds. he doesn't know anything about scuba diving but I reckon if I am getting these kind of pains on land then the changes in pressure while diving can't help.

Any ideas?
I have brought your inquiry to the attention of our resident diving dentist, Dr. Larry Stein.

Hopefully he will be feeling up to a reply.

Best regards.


Hi, DocVikingo gave me a heads up.

I'm now aware of any wisdom tooth problems that specifically affect the ability to clear the ears.

On the otherhand, the painful skin over the wisdom teeth, the possible difficulty of opening the jaw completely, etc., is associated with an infection of the skin overlying the unerupted or partially erupted wisdom teeth...especially the lower ones. This is called a pericoronitis. Along with the pain and stiffness, you may also notice a bad odor coming from the affected area. Upper teeth can also get a pericoronitis or, on occasion, the partially erupted cusp, lacerates the cheek making it swollen and sore.

The pain (especially from the lowers) will radiate to the ears. You may run a low grade temperature, have swollen glands, swollen tonsils if present. The infection and inflammation might possibly affect the very small area of the eustatian tubes and make clearing more difficult. I'm just guessing now.

You should also be aware that it is important, from a safety standpoint that you are able to hold your regulator in your mouth. This may not be possible with a pericoronitis.

Generally, the removal of all wisdom teeth is the treatment of choice. If you do two and have a bad time if it, getting the other two out is like (pardon me) pulling teeth.

Impactions, under sedation is the easiest way to go. You should wait several weeks following the extractions (depending on difficulty) before divinging again. There is a theoretical possiblility of lower jaw fracture in a thin jaw or a difficult extraction when biting on the scuba mouthpiece.

Talk to your dentist or oral surgeon about this.

If you have other questions, please feel free to write.


Laurence Stein DDS
(No representations are made that in any way offer a diagnosis, treatment or cure for any illness or condition, either discussed or implied. Answers to questions are offered as information only and should always be used in conjunction with advice from your personal diving physician/dentist. I take no responsibility for any conceivable consequence, which might be related to any visit to this site.)

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