It's kind of wierd that everyone is coming up with names for this product without ever asking how well it performs. What's so great about this thing anyway? Just because it's small doesn't mean it's good. From the photo it looks like it has a "dial a breath" feature and a swivel. Are those gonna make this reg the new standard? I've seen so many "New and Improved" pieces of crap dive gear come out over the years that I can't help but being a little skeptical of new designs. Not to say this is a junk reg., I just think it needs to have a name that it's worthy of. I've seen some good offerings from some of you SCUBABOARDERS. When will they announce the winner?
Anyway, here's a couple of names I have for it:
"The Oceanic Ono" (meaning "the best" in Hawaiian)
"The Oceanic Plankton" since it's so small
Let me know when I win and I'll send you my address so you'll know where to ship it!!