Once again, I only ask that everyone wait until the facts have been stated.
I do not want to come across as brash or insensitive but as others have tried to convey your wish or desire that discussiion wait until facts are available is not realistic nor is it congruent with the goal of this forum. By the time any "facts" become available from sources such as the Coast Guard, if they ever become publicly known, the topic is not current and those who wished to learn from it have lost track of the story.
I would ask that you think about thee questions realisitically in terms of other accidents of which you may have heard. How, from whom, and when do you think that "the facts" will be "stated" or released? Especially, how will this occur if those who may have at least some direct knowledge are waiting until some other unknown source releases information.
As has been said over and over again in this and other similar forums, accidents and incidents involving recreational divers that are "investigated" by the Coast Guard are not investigated in the same manor nor are the results released in the manner that they are in incidents like airplane crashes that are investigated by the NTSB.
Rarely are facts or any details of the investigation released by the Coast Guard to the general public. In those instances when they are released, the information usually comes out months or years later. Any info that is eventually released is usually extremely limited, incomplete, and not inclusive of conclusions.
We will likely never know exactly what happened. However, if folks who have made similar dives to that location, or folks who were diving that day at that location, or others who dove with the victim, want to share information about the environmental challenges of the site, the conditions of the day, or the equipment configuration used by the victim or commonly used by other divers conducting that type of dive we may be able to have an exploratory discussion and hypothesize potential risks that may have developed and potential solutions to those risks.
Others might even be able to share near-miss situations in which they might have found themselves in similar locations or conducting similar dives. Perhaps someone else has experienced something at that site that caused them to ascend in a similar manner and by grace they were saved from the same fate. They might be able to shed light on a situation that could help a diver there in the future.
Our hypotheses may or may not hit on the exact cause of this tragic incident but I'll bet we will gleen some helpful info from the discussion from which many can learn. The discussion is a starting point, a path, not a destination.
While I respectfully appreciate your wishes and your willingness to express them I think they are misplaced in this forum. Perhaps you will reconsider how you contribute to this forum. If you do not wish to share facts that you know of this specific incident, maybe you can share facts of the site, risks of the site that might not be known to all (entanglement, disorienting terrain, unusual marine life encounters that might cause one to be startled or injured) or other near misses you have known of so that we might understand some of the potential causes if not yet the exact cause.
After all, accident analysis almost always points to more than one cause. Whether it is a car accident, an airplane accident, or a diving accident there are usually contributing factors and identifying those or making them better known so that preventative measures can be used often benefits the majority. For example, a car accident might have been primarily due to faulty brakes on the car involved. During the investigation, as the police examine the scene and take down measurements and info they may note that dangerous curve signs are missing, that changes in the roadway warrent a change in the posted speed limit, and that a sign should warn that use of low beams is recommended due to frequent fog in the area.
I know this is wordy, but I hope it helps you to see that responsible consideration of any possible cause can help other divers to better prepare and avoid accidents.