I noticed you mentioned gear price in an above thread. I know Zeagle products aren't the cheapest BC (probably more on the higher priced side), but search this board a bit and see how many of us bought a cheaper product to save some $$. Then, about a year later as our diving progressed, we ended up buying different (and likely, more expensive) gear to fulfill our needs as divers. That being said - you may want to get more than 5 dives and decide what kind of gear you really need. My example is I bought a set of regs that aren't enviromently sealed. Now I've been diving year round in water as cold a 36F and I've had two times I've nearly froze the reg. I'll be replacing them before next winter. Not a cheap mistake.
Most LDS will sell you gear as soon as you're out of class, knowing that you'll most llikely be back in a year to replace it with something different. I'm not knocking them, if I were in the LDS business I'd probably do the same.
BTW - I don't own Zeagle currently, but as soon as I can I will be upgrading to a Zeagle Ranger. Now - if I can just get my wife to run over my BCD again when I leave it out to dry...
I noticed you mentioned gear price in an above thread. I know Zeagle products aren't the cheapest BC (probably more on the higher priced side), but search this board a bit and see how many of us bought a cheaper product to save some $$. Then, about a year later as our diving progressed, we ended up buying different (and likely, more expensive) gear to fulfill our needs as divers. That being said - you may want to get more than 5 dives and decide what kind of gear you really need. My example is I bought a set of regs that aren't enviromently sealed. Now I've been diving year round in water as cold a 36F and I've had two times I've nearly froze the reg. I'll be replacing them before next winter. Not a cheap mistake.
Most LDS will sell you gear as soon as you're out of class, knowing that you'll most llikely be back in a year to replace it with something different. I'm not knocking them, if I were in the LDS business I'd probably do the same.
BTW - I don't own Zeagle currently, but as soon as I can I will be upgrading to a Zeagle Ranger. Now - if I can just get my wife to run over my BCD again when I leave it out to dry...