Originally posted by MacLeod
If you don't mind me asking, how did you manage a 300S for $100, let alone a custom?
Well...ha-ha-ha (diabolical laugh).......actually, being fed up with the overpricing for DUI's 300S, I decided to get crafty and make one. I purchased polartec online from Malden Millls, and modified a speedskating pattern. It's in pieces at the moment, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed, as I'm making myself a bit of a guinee pig. I can dig up the website for the pattern if you're interested.
A few other members have had custom garments made as well, that you may want to inquire about. Check out this link:
If my undies turn out a success....I may be offering my sewing services up.
Let me know if I can be of any more help....