Why Don't You Dive?

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i got 100 in the first year, and another 65 from feb to mid july - i was on a roll! i coulda been a contenda!
Main restriction is distance. It's a 4 hour drive each way to the nearest diveable lake. No quarries, no rivers. I don't think 90% of our rivers would be deep enough to snorkel (ignoring the fact that it's a river of flowing mud). It's almost 8 hours to get to Tablerock lake, 10 hours to dive the BlueHole in NM, or about 14 to drive to Galveston (Stetson bank!!!)

Next would be time. I have LOADS of time off from job #1. But then I have to take child #1 and #2 to school, pick up #2 3 hours later, then go pick up child #1 4 hours later. Take #2 to youth group meetings, band practice, girl scouts, it never ends.

I have 3 weeks of vacation during the last part of OCT (crap! that's this month) and I'm desperately trying to figure out a way I can take a few days to dive. I don't want to tell my dad "here, you play shuttle-bus for a few days. I want to leave town so I can go diving."

So, I take the opportunities to dive as they come. I might be traveling for work and I'll route my trip so I can get in a dive along the way. Or if the kids are going out of town to visit the in-laws for the weekend, I might be able to run to the lake for a quick dive or 2. 8 hours of driving for 2 dives. It sucks, but I take what I can get.

CFT: Copious Free Time. Plus sometimes I like to get home and plop on the couch and decompress from a day at work -- hauling around gear, getting cold, dealing with gear failures that become yet another expensive purchase, etc can actually cause a little bit of wear on me. I seem to pace myself at about 90-100 dives/year. I don't know exactly how the people who get 200+ dives/year do it...

Also, fills are a bit of a pain... I drive out to Issaquah which pretty much sucks up a whole weeknight -- i'd probably dive more often if I had a compressor/booster/T cylinders in the basement (but I need a basement first).

Someone needs to setup a shop on Alki that pumps trimix, O2, Ar, etc...
I try to do atleast one weekend trip a month, usually getting about 4 dives in per trip. Since I'm a full time college student, money and time are very rare. Although As soon as I get out of school this semester I have my Intro to Cave course that first weekend, and plan to spend as much time in the NFL caves until school starts again. I think Im gonna try to spend New Years u/w this year see what the fire works look like from below.
Roughly 3 hours to the nearest spot is why it's not a daily outing for me. :(
Its the same old thing....

Work, family, home projects....

Since my wife and kids don't dive (kids are too young and wife is clausterphobic) I feel guilty leaving for a day on the weekend to go dive. Since I've returned to diving I want to try to get wet once a month.

Hopefully when the kids are older I can take them with me.
Time : I apply the most leave compared to other colleague, and I always use up my share.
My nearest diving location is 4 hours land journey and 4 hours boat journey. There are some closer diving spot, but honestly, the quality is not worth for the money. I don't have my own tank or my own boat, so I have to depend to the operator.

That's why the other thing come out : Money.

And maybe in the future : Baby.

Glek. But I can't really see how to endure one two years without diving.
Why don't I dive more....
1) Have to get the kids to school and pick them up(minimal school time here in 50th
rated Hawaii.
2) Can't put the boat in the slip by myself....i.e. hard to always find a buddy during
the week.
3) My wife would say..."if you have enough time to dive everyday, you can get a
job" oh wait, guess that is why I have a part time job now.....:D
4) It sucks getting into a wet wetsuit all the time.....:eyebrow:
When I don't dive it is time more than anything else. I just don't have time to go more than once a month if that. I work a lot of hours and my weekends have a lot of commitments too. Then, I have to sync with a buddy who is also busy. Hey, if I could dive every day, I would do it. It just ain't going to happen more than it does now.
I enjoy being married. Having a two year old and a three month old at home (which we just moved into) and a job which requires such things as my little "commute" yesterday...three flights (Vancouver to Edmonton, Edmonton to Calgary, Calgary to Vancouver...up at 4:30 AM, home at midnight) tend to cut into my overall "dive time."

Oh...and since my numero uno dive buddy couldn't dive for the last nine months...kinda put an additional damper on it.

Solution? Maui in November...might as well become an 80/80/80 for a week.

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