There are Four ways that come to mind that would possibly produce relief when diving.
1. Nitorgen is a gas that produces direct anesthetic effects.
As noted above, the relief starts at relatively shallow depths so I'm not convinced this is the main relief mechanism. If the same relief were noticed at 30 ft while breathing Nitrox 36 or richer mix, that would argue against nitrogen effects being the primary source of relief. This is so because Nitrogen concentrations in tissue are lessened (but by no means eliminated) with Nitrox, and would be a simple and enjoyable test.
2. Weightlessness may be a factor. If that were the primary factor, a dive at 10 feet (or five for that matter) should produce the same relief as a dive at fifty feet.
3. The other factor that increases with depth is oxygen partial pressure. We don't know what generates the pain in a syrinx or a spinal cord tethered by scar tissue. It may be that some nerve fibers or nerve endings are wrapped in scar tissue in such a way that their individual blood supply is marginal and they are oxygen-starved at sea level.
There are a couple ways I can think of to test this. One would be to breathe a mix of lower than normal oxygen percentage while at surface pressures and see if pain increases. This could be done in a respiratory lab, or one could simply go to a Colorado Ski resort and hang out at 9,000 feet to see if the pain got worse.
The reverse could be tested by breathing 100 % oxygen at surface pressure. This would give a partial pressure of O2 similar to Scuba at approx 130 ft and should reduce pain dramatically if the pain were caused by low oxygen levels. This sounds much less interesting than going to 30 to 50 feet off Old Blue in Bonaire
with 36% Nitrox for a one hour test of your pain levels.
4 A fourth possibility is the central nervous system effects of doing a very pleasurable activity and the tendency for this to decrease pain sensation.
Probably multiple factors are at work here.
If the suffering diver wanted to arrange a Bonaire trip for some in-depth research, and we could mesh schedules, I could check to see if the IRS would let us write off the trip.. (somehow I doubt it)
Short of that, some research in a local hot tub with a tank of 100% oxygen might be instructive.
Let me know what you find. It's an interesting question.