Thalassamania:While that's an interesting theory how do you then explain dry suit squeexe whilst wearing a neoprene dry suit?
A neoprene drysuit squeezes the same way any other drysuit does. I just said that it is impossible to make a neoprene drysuit smaller. The words in parentheses were there because I know someone is going to try and point out that neoprene "shrinks" underwater, when in reality it doesn't "shrink", it compresses. I should have pointed out that I only talking about neoprene drysuits, but rather was giving an example on how nothing can "shrink" underwater (unless of course it is primarily air, e.g. styrofoam cup). I dive an O'Neill 7000x 7mm drysuit and I can get wicked squeeze at depth, in fact I actually like a little squeeze around my feet so I don't get air in my boots.