Why do people spit their regulator out as soon as they surface?

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Well have not read everything, sonprobaböy I am gonna repeat a lot of things being already said.

I pretty much depends on the type ofndive I think.
If there are no waves or calm waters, once everybody surfaced and is buoyont, I rwmove the reg. However I take care that the hose is within my arm, so I could reach for it.

If its an ocean dive I have a foldable snorkel in my pocket, but thats only for emergency. Here depending on the waves and type of exit I keep it in or not. I also wait until its me to exit. One exception / example that has been mentioned is an exit where you have to first put off your equipment. Then I wait until the very last if there are waves and assist the others. Then there will be a time when you do not have a reg but there are waves. Well I know that and can handle it. So in such cases not the least experienced diver should be the last to exit...

Mask i usually keep on until I am out of the water. I also can see better with it (correction lenses...).

I do not think you waste a lot of air on the surface. You are not moving, no big stress, water usually warm and ambient pressure. That should be around 1 bar per minute on a 12l tank.

So I basically do the same for the entry. If its a jump or similar I put the reg in of course. Otherwise depending on the situation. Is finw for me to wait with it in my hands of the waves are ok or not.
Sometimes there is also an entry when you have to put on the equipment in the water. Then you have no choice. Well you could use a snorkel in that case if you like.

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