Actually it is easy. A finned swimming course usually is 20 lessons, which is enough for mastering completely the technique.

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Actually it is easy. A finned swimming course usually is 20 lessons, which is enough for mastering completely the technique.
Why must you make the rest of us jealous? I was enjoying my ham & cheese sandwich just fine until I read this post!You will be wellcome here.
A lot of international teams come to Parma each year for the Parma Cup, and many come here for the food, too.
You will enjoy much more than Parmigiano cheese. Parma's ham, salame di Felino, Culatello, tortelli (a variant of ravioli), Rosa di Parma, torta fritta, Vecchia, horse's raw meat (Parma's pesto), etc. etc.
And some nice red sparkling wine (Marcello, Otello) and beer (Birrificio del Ducato).
Good... Here some photos of some typical Parma's food specialities:Why must you make the rest of us jealous? I was enjoying my ham & cheese sandwich just fine until I read this post!
I do have 3 friends from my club who will be in Italy this summer, so I sent them that facebook link you posted and hopefully they can join in some practices with your team.