To get this back to diving, we had a fun dive off andros we called a jello dive.
Drop a weighted line to about 150' in clear calm water not too far from a wall, but well out of visibility in 6000 feet of water. Divers drop to the weight and hang out with their back to the weight. It's just like diving in a HUGE bowl of blue Jell-O You couldn't see surface from that depth, and there was no visual reference in any other direction. You cant tell how big the "fishies" are until they make a turn. A 20' hammer head looks just like a 6' one until he turns a few feet away from you and you get perspective on him. Lots of neat things besides boneless toothy critters would show up to check us out too. It was simply the luck of the draw what showed up, if anything. It could be anything from schooling dophin to marlin to sperm whales.
Nothing beat it for relaxing after a day's work, about 15 minutes out from my office in the harbor.