This question I would like to ask is not happened to me but I heard from my instructor.
to keep myself save from law case, i will not mention the name of involved person, place of incident and which diving cert. provider. Just share and wish to hear from everyone's opinion, especially dive op, dm in duty and instructors for my future reference (gonna take IDC course soon next year).
who is going to pay responsible for the cases below:
Case 1 - A student with middle age (40-50) with fat body asked for course and he claim himself is healthy to take diving course. Then, the instructor doubt and rejected for few times until he signed a paper written "I, (student's name) will pay full responsible for all liability including personal injury, death etc during the course and I agreed that the dive center (dc name) as well as the instructor, (name of instructor) accept no liabilities..bla bla bla...and he signed attach with his identification card photocopy to proved its legal.
Case 2 - a customer at age 20-30 visited to a dive center, asked for DSD and he claim himself is healthy to go for the 30min course.
Incident and case after the above cases -
Case 1 - The student died due to heart attack during the course. After reporting to his family (emergency contact), the family sued the instructor for teaching and never check clearly about someone's health problem before accepting student. besides that, the family didn't know the student went for diving course until acknowledgement of death. With earlier legal paper that signed by the victim, the instructor found not guilty but his instruction license was forfeited by diving cert provider with the reason of "we want trouble-free ".
Case 2 - the customer hit on the coral table due to a sudden strong current and panicked. He was drowned but the DM manage to rescue him and he was admitted to hospital staying for 2-3 days. The victim's family sued the dive center for the fall. The DM license was forfeited and he can't go for scuba diving anymore.
not sure there's similar case happen around you? Share your opinion about the case, just asking. Thanks.
to keep myself save from law case, i will not mention the name of involved person, place of incident and which diving cert. provider. Just share and wish to hear from everyone's opinion, especially dive op, dm in duty and instructors for my future reference (gonna take IDC course soon next year).
who is going to pay responsible for the cases below:
Case 1 - A student with middle age (40-50) with fat body asked for course and he claim himself is healthy to take diving course. Then, the instructor doubt and rejected for few times until he signed a paper written "I, (student's name) will pay full responsible for all liability including personal injury, death etc during the course and I agreed that the dive center (dc name) as well as the instructor, (name of instructor) accept no liabilities..bla bla bla...and he signed attach with his identification card photocopy to proved its legal.
Case 2 - a customer at age 20-30 visited to a dive center, asked for DSD and he claim himself is healthy to go for the 30min course.
Incident and case after the above cases -
Case 1 - The student died due to heart attack during the course. After reporting to his family (emergency contact), the family sued the instructor for teaching and never check clearly about someone's health problem before accepting student. besides that, the family didn't know the student went for diving course until acknowledgement of death. With earlier legal paper that signed by the victim, the instructor found not guilty but his instruction license was forfeited by diving cert provider with the reason of "we want trouble-free ".
Case 2 - the customer hit on the coral table due to a sudden strong current and panicked. He was drowned but the DM manage to rescue him and he was admitted to hospital staying for 2-3 days. The victim's family sued the dive center for the fall. The DM license was forfeited and he can't go for scuba diving anymore.
not sure there's similar case happen around you? Share your opinion about the case, just asking. Thanks.